Dinner at the Antique Corner

Ah, a good day to type with the exception of the fact it’s a Sunday X~X!!! Oh well, we’re sorry we haven’t typed in quite a bit. We kind of had a writers’ block. I still kinda have mine, but I shall bring you a story today!!!
“Hmm, sushi doesn’t usually have dairy does it?”, I asked Thana.
She was going to whap me then she stopped. “Oh yeah, I guess that they put cream cheese sometimes.”
“I’m from America, but that doesn’t mean I’m fat and don’t have an education!”
There was a long pause and then everyone laughed.
“*cough*Tamaki*cough*!” Thana remarked.
We laughed even harder. My stomach hurt a little bit, but then I looked at Maria.
“Sorry Maria! *giggle* I guess I’ll have the California roll, no cream cheese or dairy at all.”
“Sesame seeds on top?”
“Why not?”
“And you Thana?”
“I’ll have the tuna sushi.”
The twins looked at Thana and smiled. They were about to giggle, but they had to figure out what they wanted.
“We’ll have what they’re having.”
“Like 2 orders of sushi or just one thing of each?”
“Just one of each please.”
Maria nodded and took the menus. She went over to Phyllis and the others and whispered in their ears. They all giggled at once after glancing at us. Thana glared at them and was going to throw a punch when Hikaru put a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s not worth it,” he said smiling.
She nodded, but you could still seem some steam blow.
“Save it for Tamaki,” Kaoru said laughing.
Thana was laughing and almost fell on the floor flat when Hikaru caught her hand.
Thana was giggling, but blushing. Hikaru started to laugh and blush. Maria came in during this time with our food…great. She had a really evil grin on her face and started to laugh. It sounded something like this “kyu kyu kyu kyu”. She set the tray down and still had that evil smirk and walked back to the kitchen to tell of the event in the corner. Thana and Hikaru quickly sat up and blushed.
“Well, should we eat…?” I said trying to distract them.
They nodded and we ate quietly for a bit. The twins started to giggle when Thana ate her food. She glared at them, and they turned back to eat. Then they started to laugh again.
“OK! What is SO funny about me eating tuna?!” Thana said.
“Haruhi likes fancy tuna-“ said Kaoru.
“She does anything to eat it!”
“That explains something.” Thana and I said.
They calmed down. And we continued to eat the sushi.
“Not to embarrass you Eeva, but haven’t you guys noticed Eeva opening up? Remember back on the first day?” said Kaoru.
They all looked at me as I blushed slightly.
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” said Hikaru.
“That’s normal and yet also weird,” said Thana.
“… Well I open up once I get to know someone. I don’t like attention so I’m not too social at first…,” I said.
“Oh no no! I don’t mean it like a bad quality! I just kind of noticed that… I’m sorry if I offended you,” said Kauro.
He hugged me, and I blushed so much that I could be a walking beet.
Thana did a thumbs-up and a silent applause. Hikaru did the same and gave Thana a high-five.
Maria was about to ruin it, but she took her warning when Thana was glancing.
I was still blushing when we were done hugging. We were all done with our food and left to go back to the mansion. There was a dispute between Thana and Maria when we payed, but I don’t feel the need to repeat it.