Hi there! Welcome to my Wallpaper Organization world~ Here, you will be able to go through my stuff sorted out by series, as well as check out certain collections I made of walls that go together. ^^ I’ve basically done this for your convenience, and to make it easier on me when I’m trying to find a specific wall. Also, some things I meant to go all together, but being as I posted them at separate times, it was not the case. I plan to put features up here as well, should I get the inkling to explain in more detail just what I’d done with certain walls. ^^ Please enjoy~

Also! Those of you that follow my work, or perhaps even if you just recognize something that I’ve done: PLEASE Let me know if you see my stuff posted on other sites outside of my own accounts. ^^’ I really don’t mind so long as I am credited…but sometimes this isn’t the case and misunderstandings are created. I would truly appreciate it! <3

[[[[In the process of modifying this world <33]]]]

[Wallpapers] Series Links

Series: Ai Yori Aoshi Ai...

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AIR GEAR Agito- - Agito-King of the Fang Road - ...

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