
Name: Zera

Nickname (if one): ZeZe (but she really doesn't like it)

Age: 20

Eye color: Green

Hair color/ style: short choppy fluffy like hair that's a red/brown

Animal hybrid and attributes: Eithiopian wolf, red/orange ears, red/brownish/orange wolf tail, and is tall but thin (look up what a Eithiopian wolf looks like)

Outfit: (unknown as of now...)

Personality: She much of a leader type person. She doesn't like to be belittled and she doesn't like to belittle other people. She tries her best to keep people happy even if its not her job. She doesnt take crap from anyone but tries her best to not fight back about something stupid. She is strong and acts much like a wolf where the pack is everything. Her hatred for humans is mostly because of them taking her from her family, but also because of how she was treated in the zoo. She likes to stay in the background but still keep track of everything silently. She tends to stolk around looking for hybrids who want to break out.

Owned/Rebel/ Alpha: was owned now is a rebel

Any other info: shes a rare breed of wolf and was captured to a zoo. Of course it didn't take long till she broke out. She found an Alpha group and stayed with them for awhile but didn't like the way they belittled owned hybrids. Fed up she left and found a Rebel group that she comes and goes to now. She looks around for owned pets who might need saving and tries to break them out if they want it.
