
Name: Tarus Hawk

Nickname (if one): N/A

Age: 19

Eye color: Black

Hair color/ style: Blonde with tortoise mixed in from the shell color effecting his hair instead. Short spiky hair that faces backwards due to his hair being slicked back.

Animal hybrid and attributes: Hawksbill Sea Turtle. His ribs formed into a solid plates in the front and back with only a small slice along both sides. This plates are solid and harder than a normal turtle shell but restrict how much movement he has. There are little carapace serrated bumps that go down along his spine. Finally, his human nose is at a steeper angle then normal with the breathing hoes facing out. Like a hawksbill he can break clam shells and the like with his jaw and teeth.

Outfit: Surfer shorts that aren’t to baggy and tight sleeveless shirts that are the material that sticks to you when wet.

Personality: He is curious but cautious about everything. He has a habit of wondering around exploring trying learn about his surrounding and himself. If he feels threatened and you stick your arm close he will try to bite you.

Owned/Rebel/ Alpha: He has been on his own and doesn’t really know about the conflict with humans.

Any other info: He was being transported to an aquatic zoo when the vehicle crashed and through into the surrounding bush. He was not found by the crew and eventually found an isolated warm spring and just stayed there. The spring would flow into a large bay where he would find food to eat.
