Risa's Diary, page 1

I've entered Teh Biju Acadamy. My name is Risa. I look at my class list: Kaku, Kai, Misa...I don't know anyone!!! Huh? At the bottom...is that...


Horray! I'm in Yui-chan's class!!! I actually know someone! (Thank goodness!) I head twoards my class. I'm about to open the door, when suddenly...
It's Naruto!
Risa-"N-Naru-kun?! Why are you...oh yeah, the whole 'curse' thing. Having a hard time controling it?"
Naruto-"Yeah, but that's a long story. C'mon, I'll show you around!"
Naruto grabed my hand and started to lead me around to the front of the acadamy. (it's much easyer to tour the building that way)
Risa-"Realy?! *blush* T-thanks, Naru-kun!"
I'm so happy!
Nauto-*blush* "Heck, anything for my little sister's best friend!"
That's right! Naruto's little sister, Shia-chan, and I are friends. Shia couldn't come to Konaha, but she's trying to make enough money so that she can.
I got a tour from teh uber hawt Naru-kun, ended up in Yui-chan's class, and started to make new friends! I guess it helps to know people, huh?
