Raimundo the Raichu

Please note that even though Rai is part of PGR I will be adding him here too, but both of these RPs will not interfere with each other. Whatever happens here, stays here, and whatever happens over there, stays over there.
Other than that, I'd like to Thanks Chi for giving me motivation to bring Rai over here. XD

External Image

name- Raimundo the Raichu

age- 19

gender- male

height- 5'7

weight-136 lbs (oh dear it looks like he's underweight...)

appearance-Raimundo has long ears that are brown and yellow, his hair is light orange that sometimes seems to look a little yellow when standing in the sun. He has yellow circles on both cheeks which make him seem really friendly looking and easy to approach. He has a long tail that is half brown and half yellow, and it's shaped like a lighting bolt at the end.

personality:He will be a little shy at first when he's around new people, but once he gets use to everyone, he relaxes and acts normal. Most of the time he's quiet and observant. He doesn't like goofing off much, but that's cause he has his own personal reasons.
If someone comes to him for help, he will try his best to help whoever needs it. After being stuck with Xio for three months he has become a little more assertive, so he'll sometimes do things that one does not expect him to do. He'll also say his mind when he feels like he needs to. He does get easily annoyed but he won't say anything unless it slips out.

background:Raimundo is the oldest out of 3 siblings, he grew up in a forest area located in the Hoein Region. Unfortunately for him and his sibling, they were orphaned when their parents were killed in an accident. Raimundo never go the details on what happened to his parents, so that is a mystery to him. He does know that both of his Parents were involved in a group that helps humans and Gijinka so he wonders if that had anything to do with it.
Later after his parents death, Charlize the Charizard adopted the three siblings. Charlize was a close family friend, but Raimundo never really liked him cause Charlize has a questionable background.

Raimundo did evolve a little later but he didn't say his reasons, and it upset his sister and Charlize and cause a conflict.

likes- traveling, apples, hanging out with friends, family,reading, working on crafts, boxing, learning new things,cleaning, cooking, exploring caves, investigating stuff, mysteries.

dislikes-: people getting in his personal space, teasing, being called short, goofing off, when his stomach growls, misunderstandings

Extra info(optional): he's an awkward duck....oTL


food- in love with apples. XD

drink- apple juice

activity-Raimundo likes Exploring forest, woods and caves. He's also picked up an interest in boxing

manga/anime: n/a he's never paid much attention to that....oTL
