Welcome. To the Otherworlds
I see you are intrested on learning about your Chiro? Then come a little closer and I shall tell you all you need to know

Your Chiro


What your mission is


Point System


Are you worthy enough to become a Chiron?

You must customize your Chiro to fit you and what you think will be best fitting for this journey. Using the following information you should fill out, I will judge whether your strong enough, metally and physically, to do this.
Lets start shall we?

Sign up Form


Black Kiss-Moonsong/Rin-15050 pts Lvl 150
Itachiweasle-Spati/Hela-14250 pts Lvl 142
Brother of Evil
Alicie-Yuuki-4700 pts Lvl 47
Lone Wolf
Dark Magic
CDCDCD89-Tessa/Maria-8500 lvl 85
Opposites Attract
VanillaFantasy-Yuna-3000 lvl 30
Chisana Hikari-Rika-0 lvl 0
Redmoon wolf-Ciel-3000 lvl 30
The Otherside (Where people go after they die)
ZelostheGreat-Cio Arris-3000 lvl 30
Cooki Monstress-Falcon-600 lvl 6

Every time you go up in rank, you can add more specialtys or change your appearance if you want. So first you might be wearing black with white stripes and then you reach amatuer and you decide to go pure black. Whatever goes better with whats happening in the story. The rank your at changes or upgrades your profile entry in other words. Work hard everyone :D
Summary: Stuff you may need to know.

Evil character: Leon

Mission: To destroy the machines that are stealing magic from places in the Otherworlds. Also, to get as much information as possible, the Chiros are "working" with Leon to try and ruin his plan.

(By the way, Lvl 1000 is god level.)


We sat in the kitchen, waiting for Ariel to decide. She looked frustrated as she sorted through the energy. "I'll be back in an hour.", I said as I left the room. "Where are you going?", Moonsong said. "Out for a walk.", I said as I checked my watch. I turned the corner and went out of sight. "You two seem close.", Ariel said with a smile.

(After the hour I left)

"Hey, Moonsong!", I said as I walked into the room, covered in blood and a few cuts.

Moonsong~First one down!!!!

After i said that my eyes widened. I instictantly grabbed Victor's arm. "Victor! You have to give us some energy! Just some it! So we can test it. You too Falcon!!!"
"God. Geez. Okay!" They put there hands in front of us and a golden orb floated. I took it and put it in another container. I did the same with Falcon. Three down. Maria, Victor and Falcon. Although only afterward did i realize Victor had died. So his was kinda useless...
Next, to find other people! People seemed to travel in packs so it couldn't be that hard to find more. I handed the glowing balls with yellow energy to Ariel to hold. "See if you can find one you can relate too. If you do tell us immediately so we can cut this hunt short." I stopped her. "Hold this." It was an empty orb. I held out my hands and put my energy in that small lil ball. "Spati you do that same." After he did we went to the kitchen.

Spati-First Visit

Actually, both of you can help us.", I said as she seemed suprised. "Why?", Maria said with an uncertain look. I looked over at Moonsong. "Well you see, Ariel here is actually a ghost, and she needs energy to become a living being again.", Moonson...

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Maria~Merged and (temporarily) out of danger

After merging with Tessa, I slipped away and ran back to our room as fast as I could. I threw myself on the bed, hoping to get some rest, but no such luck. Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I heard someone knocking at the door.

"Who could that be?" I muttered and opened it.

To my surprise, there stood Spati, Moonsong, and a girl who I didn't recognize, but who reminded me of Hela.

"What's up?" I asked them, "and who's she?"

"This is Ariel," Spati told me.

"Well, that answers one of my questions, I guess that will have to do. Now, who are you looking for? Me or Tessa?"


I stood there thinking about how to narrow our search. "Well, any ideas?", Moonsong said as I came back to reality. "Not sure, how do we tell people, I mean we can't just walk up and say "Hey, give us some energy!", right?" I said as I grabbed the...

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