
I was twirling a leaf through my hand. Rain was combing her hair through her fingers, Yuna was drawing in the dirt, Mia had wandered somewhere in the forest and we. Were. All.


we couldn't decide whether to go back to the castle where everyone else was because we knew that once we got in, we'd never get back out and that didn't leave us with much else to do. I suppose we could go look for Yuuki and Cio but without Moonsong and a magic tracker or however she locates people, we'd have no idea where to start.
"Im about to scream of boredom." Yuna said.
"Me two." Rain said as she hit her head on a tree.
I stood up and dusted dirt off my pants. "Okay you too. How bout this. You guys go look for Mia and maybe that cat thingy can sniff out Cio and Yuuki. Meanwhile, ill be in the castle trying to help as best as i can. After all of you meet back up, head to the ca-"
"Its not a castle. Its a fort." Rain inturrupted. My jaw dropped. Was she taking me seriously?
"okay~" i said slowly. "The fort. Head back to the fort when you all meet up or if by that time, everyones all away from the fort then we'll find you guys somehow." They nodded there heads.

And with that i opened my wings and took off. Fortunetly the fort was close by so i was there in minutes. I snuck in through a window and tested whether i could get back out but it seemed blocked. I KNEW IT!!! DON'T SAY I NEVER WARNED YOU RAIN AND YUNA!!!

Now that i thought about it, i should have snuck in after i made a plan on how i was going to help.
