Misaki ~ Odd

I had found a nice tree to climb so I could have some time to myself after that bloody mess. Soon Airi and Aoi came back from their little stroll soaked.

Well it's odd enough that Airi healed Bason but now Aoi comes back with cat ears?
"why do I have cat ears!?" Aoi stood up. Ah she was unaware. I wonder how having another set of ears works.Maybe better hearing?
"well everyone is effected in some way here" I made both of them jump and look up. "Hello" I grinned at them "your change may just be a bit more noticable. but those ears sure are cute!" I said Aoi face turned red

hmm I wonder if time spent here affects us or if its our spirits having fun. I mean the outfits themselfs are extremely...tacky in my case. I heared more talking beneath me but I just ignored it and tried to get some rest. This is going to be an interesting experience.
