Chapter 7

Humans' education systems were somewhat lax. The kids hardly ever paid any attention. Most were too busy texting or doodling or passing notes. I sighed as I put my head in my hand and listened to the professor drone on about seventh century wars.

The school system in the Shadow World was a lot more strict. If anyone was caught not paying attention, they were hit over the head with a ruler. No one dared to disrespect their professors. I was surprised the teachers here barely even raised their voice at their students.

I was in every class as Shunsuke except for the one right before lunch, so I was not with him in this class. Dia was with him during this period, leaving me alone to fight off all the boys in the class. I tapped my fingers on the desk impatiently as a boy tried making conversation with me. I ignored him, keeping my head facing the chalkboard. I pretended to write down the notes into my blue notebook Shunsuke had lent me.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the period. Getting up, I started for the door, but someone caught my wrist. Spinning around, I looked up at the boy that held me.

"Hey, you're new here, right?" he asked me, a small smile on his lips. He was shy, I could sense the embarrassment emanating from him. It had taken him a lot of courage to face me.

I shook my head, "I used to live here until I was ten." I took my arm back, crossing it over my chest.

"Well, would you like me to show you around? I'm sure a lot has changed since then," he persisted.

"I was trying to be subtle. I have no interest of going out with you," I told him bluntly. Better I told him flat out than him getting his hopes up.

I sighed as he walked away, his head hanging. I shook my head. Humans trusted too much. He had trusted me to say yes, and when I didn't, his hopes had been crushed. I exited the room looking for the lunch room, but I realized I had no idea where I was going.

I turned the corner, finding a few boys picking on another one much smaller than themselves. They were shoving him against the lockers, taunting him with their words. Frowning, I walked right up to them, grabbing the one's arm before he was able to punch the kid again.

"Why don't you guys go pick on someone your own size," I told them, shoving his arm away from me. I stared them down with set eyes.

The leader stepped forward, looming over me. Not that that intimidated me. "You want to take his place?" he reached out, running his hands through a few strands of my hair.

I grabbed his arm and twisted around so that I had his arm held behind his back in a position where I could break it. "Sure, I'll take his place, and now that I have clearly won, you are going to leave him alone." Shoving him into his friends, I walked over to the boy and helped him to his feet.

The boys glared at me as they walked down the hallway. The leader spoke up, "You'll regret that move."

I rolled my eyes, not really worried about them. I could handle myself. I turned to the boy. "Are you ok?" I asked him gently, my gaze softening.

The boy looked to be a freshmen and was timid and shy. He nodded his head. "Yes, thank you," his voice was barely above a whisper. He pushed passed me and ran off in the opposite direction.

I sighed as I made my way down the hallway, still looking for the lunchroom. Suddenly, someone grabbed the back of my head and shoved me up against the wall. Two others each grabbed my arms, pinning them down so I couldn't move. It was the boys from earlier.

The leader leaned in, whispering into my ear, "I told you you would regret that move."

I was ready to use all of my strength and really show these losers who would regret what when someone pushed the leader off of me. I recognized him as Shunsuke's friend; I couldn't remember his name. "Come on guys, let's not pick on a girl. What would the principal say?" he asked. "You guys can't afford to get suspended again." I turned so I was facing the men.

The leader narrowed his eyes but surrendered. "You lucked out, girl. Next time, he won't be here to save you." With that, they walked over to the doors and left the school.

"Wow, you sure know how to make friends on the first day," he smiled at me. "I never really introduced myself before. I'm Hideki."

"I'm Kyden," I smiled, holding out my hand like Shunsuke taught me. Hideki looked at it, shaking my hand with a slight chuckle.

"You're pretty formal," he remarked.

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I opted with nothing. "I'm trying to find the lunch room. Could you help me? I was supposed to me Shunsuke ten minutes ago."

He laughed. "Sure, follow me." With that, he led me back down the hallway and showed me the way.

Hideki was telling me some funny story about some girl in his class, but I wasn't really listening. I was too busy observing the hallway so I wouldn't forget how to get here again. We turned the corner and there in the middle of the hall was Shunsuke with a girl in his arms.

I frowned, not liking that my heart skipped a minute beat. It wasn't that I liked him like that. It was more of a he-should-have-been-looking-for-me-to-help-me-find-my-way-but-instead-he-is-playing-with-some-girl feeling.

Hideki cleared his throat, gaining their attention. Shunsuke glanced up quickly, shoving the girl off of him. "I gotta go," he told her before making his way over to us.

She huffed and walked away, but I could see by the gleam in her eyes that she was not done with him yet. "Didn't mean to break up all the fun in the hallway," I remarked sarcastically.

He flushed, "It wasn't what you think," he remarked, slightly annoyed. "What was taking you so long?"

"She got held up by a few bullies, but I took care of it," Hideki answered for me.

I shrugged. "It wasn't anything I couldn't have handled. I mean, all I would have had to do was pull out my sw-" I was cut off when Shunsuke grabbed my arm and yanked me after him towards the lunch room.

"Thanks for helping her, Hideki, I can take it from here," he called over his shoulder.

"Hey," I complained, yanking my arm back.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "But, you can't talk about your sword or your special abilities or whatever else you have going on. You are supposed to act human," he reminded me.

I crossed my arms across my chest. "Whatever. I'll act as I please," I turned away from him.

Dia came and landed on my shoulder. I had no idea where she was hiding up until now, but I was glad she was back. "Lady Kayden, please appease young Shunsuke. He means well. And the girl was only confessing to him. He wanted nothing to do with her. No need to get all bent out of shape because of it."

I glared at her. She may think she knew me the best, but if she thought I was jealous of a measly hug, she was sadly mistaken. Shunsuke chuckled at this, and smirked in my direction. "You're jealous over that?" he teased.

My hands balled up into fists, and I restrained myself from punching him. "Get over yourself," I barked. "Who'd be jealous of that?" I pushed passed him and went into the cafeteria. I went and sat at a table, waiting for someone to bring me the food.
