This is gonna be short, as wake up is in 15 minutes. My response to BWBB #4, "Maybe we still are".
Jeanie sat upon the hilltop overlooking their small town. The sun was setting and a cool breeze was just starting to pick up, making her shiver a little bit in her tanktop. A tire swing squeaked behind her as it moved in the wind, hanging from the only tree top on the hill.
Eventually, she heard foot steps behind her, just as the top of the sun was starting to dissapear below the horizon, basking the town in a warm glow. The tire swing clinked a little, as a body settled onto it. Without turning around, she said loud enough for the person behind her to hear "I still haven't forgiven you for what you did."
"I didn't expect you to," a male's voice sounded from behind her. It was deep, but smooth, and sounded like it belonged to someone young. "It was a mistake. We both know that. I was just looking to replace something in my life that was lost."
She sighed, disappointed in Adam for never really understanding her, and disappointed in herself for going along with it. "But do you understand why I'm angry?"
"Sure," he said. But she didn't believe him.
She got up, brushing herself off, preparing to make the climb back down the darkening hill to the town below. The tire swing didn't make a sound from behind her. "I don't want to be the hateful ex who spited you anymore, Jeanie. We aren't enemies."
"Maybe we still are," she said quietly, not looking back.
Phew! Two minutes to go!