Qualcosa in Cui Credere

Qualcosa in Cui Credere = Something to Believe In

~~~ Hey, everyone. So, here’s Dante’s post. He’s in Rome, by the way. And yes, a lot of Italian. :D Lolz. Well, I hope you all like it and it’s open to anyone!~~~~

.: DANTE :.



There was blood everywhere only, it wasn’t mine. It was hers. It was the blood of the woman I swore to protect, with my life. It coated my hands, my clothes; even my shimmering white wings were now forever stained with her blood. It would serve as a permanent reminder of what I failed to do. I promised, I promised to protect her. I told her everything was going to be alright, that I help save her. Only, I was too late. I let her die.


My hands shook at the memory of her. I couldn’t even bare to look down at her body. It brought too much pain, too much sorrow. Though I knew, sooner or later, I would have to look down. Whether it was now or later I didn’t care. I just wanted to escape from here, runaway. Far away. I knew I couldn’t, though. I didn’t have the will to leave her, even in death. I…loved her. I never admitted it to her face but it was true. I loved her with all my heart and soul…and now she was gone. Forever. Tears pooled in my eyes as I bit my lip and tried not to break down.

Overhead, the clouds quickly turned to a dark grey and covered the sun. Thunder and lightning began to sound. I knew what it meant. Heaven was pissed at me and they were going to do something about it. Before I knew it, a pair of strong male hands grabbed my shoulders and tried to wrench me from Mia’s body. It only made me grasp her harder. I didn’t want to leave her and no one was going to make me.

“Ottenere fuori di me!” I yelled, desperately. The hands had started to pull harder and harder until I felt Mia’s body leave my arms. No. Please, no.

“No! Mia! Lasciami andare, b*st@rdo!” All my attempts to get him to let go of me were all in vain. He sung me over his shoulder and extended a pair of majestic, glimmering white wings. No! Let me go back to Mia! No……..


I gasped and as my eyes flew open, I jerked upright in my bed. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe but when I finally could, it was short and ragged. My body was shaking violently and beads of sweat were falling down my face. Shakily, I tried to wipe them away. I clutched my head in my hands and tried to calm down. What the hell was that? It felt like a dream but at the same time, it felt like something more. I got a weird feeling of déjà vu but that was impossible.

Right? I didn’t know anymore. It was minutes before my breathing returned to normal and my body stopped shaking. I let out a large sigh. Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to think about that at the moment. Taking a quick glance at the clock, I saw it was almost nine in the morning. If I didn’t get up, I was going to be late. Groaning, I flung the cover to the other side of the bed and stood up. My breath caught in my throat and my jaw dropped with a large yawn.

There was a knock at my door before it slowly opened. The figure who walked into my room was Aleesandro, my caretaker.

“Buona mattina, Maestro Dante.” He said, his thick accent masking his words. It was moments like that when I was grateful I grew up in Italy because if it wasn’t for that, I probably wouldn’t be able to decipher what he was saying. He bowed quickly before proceeding to clean up the room. Stretching, I walked over to my large closet and rustle through it in search for something to wear.

“Non dormire bene, Maestro?” Alessandro asked. Rolling my eyes, I pulled a grey t-shirt over my head, making sure to tuck my black wings underneath it, and slipped into my jeans. I walked back over to my bed at sat on the edge of it, trying to tie my shoes quickly.

“Sì. Quante volte ti ho detto di non mi chiamate Maestro?” I asked, sighing. He never really listened to me when I told him not to call me Master. He basically raised my when my parents died, almost 857 years ago. Aleesandro was an Angel; he just chose to live on Earth where he could be with his wife instead of looking down upon here every day. Behind me, he chuckled softly.

“Troppe volte a contare.” I couldn’t help but chuckle back. After tying my shoes, I slipped on my black leather jacket and zipped it up. As I walked over to the door, I took a glance back at Alessandro.

“Vorrei essere a casa più tardi, Alessandro.” With that, I walked out the door and headed downstairs. When I passed the kitchen, I saw that Caterina, Alessandro’s wife, was already making breakfast. Though I loved her food, I normally got a quick espresso and biscotti from the café near the library. I waved to her before she left my sight, though I was pretty sure she didn’t see it.

The minute I walked out the door, a blast of cold air hit my face. Goosebumps arose on my legs where the holes were in my jeans and I felt my wings seize up under my shirt and jacket. My wings were as sensitive as the rest of my body. If anything happened to them, I felt it like it was my own body. It ways, it was probably a good thing. At least I would know it they got hurt. It sucked most of the time because they were really sensitive to everything. Plus, it was really hard to take a shower.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I started walking down the street. I had walked down that street so many times and taken the same route to my work so many times, I could walk there blindfolded. I knew it like the back of my hand. Every twist and turn, every street, every stop light, everything. It wasn’t that hard to memorize it, probably because it was the same route I took every day for the last two years. I loved the library. It was the only place that seemed to give me peace most of the time. I loved the smell of old books and dust. My tastes were peculiar but everyone had their own preference. Mine were just…unorthodox, to say the least.

I was about halfway to the library when I started to feel raindrops on my head. When I looked up at the sky, I discovered it was covered in dark grey clouds and they didn’t seem to end. As far as I could see, there were dark clouds hanging in the sky. The raindrop started to fall harder and harder until it started coming down in sheets. It came down so hard; I couldn’t see five feet in front of my face. I started to pick up my pace. I knew if I didn’t, I would be late, though I probably already was.

About ten minutes later, the library was barely in sigh. It looked as if the small café stand that was usually right outside of the library had moved inside to seek shelter from the rain. Smart move. At least I knew I could get my morning fix of caffeine. I sped up even more and a minute later, I was shaking the rain off of myself in a nice, warm library. The ends of my hair were still dripping water as I walked towards the small stand. Cipriano, the owner of the small café, smiled at me.

“Buona mattina. Il solito, suppongo, Dante?” He asked. I smiled. He knew me by name already. I nodded.

“Sì, per favore.” I said. The owner had already expected me that morning, so all he had to do was reach behind him and grab a brown bag and mug. I chuckled softly. I should have known that was coming. As I handed him two euros, he handed me my breakfast. It smelled delicious.

“Grazie, sir. Hanno un grande giorno.” I said, walking into the library itself. It was large, probably housing more than two thousand books. Most were for rent but there was a whole cart that were books you could but for cheaper than anywhere else. Plus, it had that old book smell that I loved so much. Shrugging off my jacket, I took a seat behind the counter and opened the bag. The smell of chocolate filled my senses. I couldn’t help myself anymore and I took a large bite from one of the biscotti’s. The chocolate was so warm and sweet I didn’t know that I had already finished a while one. Before I knew it, the whole bag was gone. At least my stomach was sated.

Throwing the bag away, I took a long gulp of my coffee. It helped wash down the rest of my breakfast and it tasted as sweet as the chocolate in some ways. This was my favourite part of my mornings, the food. Cipriano had been making this stuff for more than ten years and he was the greatest coffee and biscotti make in most of Rome. There were a couple of times I would spend all day at the library so I could eat his food all day. I could have lived on what he makes.

There was a soft ding as the bell over the main door sounded, signaling someone was walking inside. When I looked up from my coffee, I saw a guy with dark brown hair and really green eyes. I had to say, he didn’t look like the type of person who would walk into a library. He seemed like someone who would be out taking walks in the middle of the day. I wouldn’t have pegged him to be stuck in a library at this hour.

The guy took a seat at one of the lone tables near the window and he proceeded to stare out of it. Shrugging, I took another sip of my coffee. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pile of books that needed to be checked in. Luciana must have forgotten them last night. She was normally very good at remembering to do that, since she’s the owner. She must have been really tired. I rolled my chair over to the stack of books and started checking them into the system.

Suddenly, a loud voice started screaming.

“Damn cell phone! How do you work?!” A male voice bellowed in English. I turned around only to find the guy who just came in, holding his cell phone in hand. What was he doing?

“Silenzio.” I told him. Looking back at me, he had a confused look on his face.

“I don’t know how these things work!” He yelled again, pointing to the small device. I sighed and glared at him.

“Egregio Signore, avete bisogno di essere tranquilla. Questa è una libreria.” I said, a little louder this time. People were starting to stare at him. Though, it seemed like he didn’t even noticed he just kept pointing to his cell phone and yelling. My patience was running very thin. Especially with this man.

“How does this work?!?! Can someone tell me?! Please!?!” He yelled again. That was the last straw. Standing up, I glowered over to him, grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. Once I shut the door, I turned to him.

“Che cosa l'inferno pensa che stai facendo? Questa è una libreria. Perché non può essere tranquilla, idiota? Stupido turista Americano. I cazzo ti odio a volte!” I yelled. Muttering under my breath, I was fuming. The guy put his hand up in a ‘calm down’ gesture.

“Dante, calm down. There’s no need to cuss me out. Just because I’m American, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” He said. I whipped my head towards him. He knew my name.

“Come sapete il mio nome?” I asked.

“I have my resources. Do you speak English? My Italian’s a little rusty still.” He asked. I glared at him for a while before I sighed.

“How do you know my name? Who are you?” It felt weird, talking in English again. I was so used to Italian.

“My name’s Sebastian. It’s nice to meet you, Dante.” He extended his hand. I didn’t take it; all I did was stare at him, waiting for him to answer my other question. Sebastian sighed and dropped his hand.

“I know your name because…well, it’s actually a really long story. Look, I’m here for a reason. I know you’re not human.” My whole body froze. How did he know what? No one knew that, besides Alessandro. Who was this guy? I got the sudden urge to puke.

“W-What are you talking about?” I asked but I made the mistake of stuttering. I mentally slapped myself for that. Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest.

“I have to admit, you did a good job of hiding it. I give you props for that. It takes skill to be able to do that for so long and not even think twice about it. You might make a great ally.”

“Ally? What are you talking about?” I was shouting again. He was getting on my nerves, immensely. He sighed.

“Look, I’m here looking for people like me. People from legends that everyone thinks are just stories. My friend made a club, something where we can all band together. I’m here because we want you to join it.” Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting.

“So, let me get this straight, you want me to join a club for people who aren’t supposed to exist?” He nodded, looking a little pleased.

“Basically, yeah.”

“You mean I’m not the only one out there? There are others, not just…Angels?” I almost chocked on the word Angel. I didn’t think to add the Fallen part. He didn’t need to know. He nodded and chuckled a little.

“You’re not that special, dude. No offence. There are more out there, lots more. Trust me. We have…five in our group right now. You would make six, if you were to join, that is.” He said. I narrowed my eyes. It couldn’t be that easy.

“What’s the catch?” I asked.

“There’s no catch. All you have to do is come with us back to Virginia. You do know where that is, right?” I scoffed.

“Of course I do.” I said. Something he said then hit me. “Virginia? You mean…I would have to leave my home?”

“Look, I know it seems like a lot but after I explain everything to you, maybe it won’t be that bad. We already have two people that left their homes to come with us. You wouldn’t be alone.” I was…stunned. Sebastian, some guy I had known for like ten minutes, was asking me to go halfway across the world with his group of mythical creatures. He was asking me to leave everything I’ve ever known. I hadn’t left Italy since…I fell. But, somehow, the idea that I would be with people who were like me was…tempting. Maybe, if I went with him, I could believe in friendship again. In love and family.

For once…it felt like I had something I wanted to believe in.

“Okay.” I said. I looked back at him. “I’ll go with you.” Sebastian smile and nodded.

“Okay, let’s go.”


After Sebastian and I went back to my house, explained everything to be Alessandro and got me a bag of my stuff, we walked back outside. He turned to me, looking desperate almost.

“Can we please take your car, dude? I walked all the way here. Please?” He begged. I chuckled softly.

“Sure. Calm down. Do you want to drive? I have no idea where the airport is.” I stated, smiling a little. He nodded and, throwing the keys at him, I slid into the passenger side seat of my Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4. The moment Sebastian sat down, he smiled.

“Dude, I love your car.” He said, starting the car. It roared to life underneath us and it was like it was growling at us.

“Thanks. It was a birthday present.” He started to drive down the road and I could tell he was enjoying it. I loved my car. It was an 853 birthday present from Alessandro and Caterina. I was jumping up and down like a child when I saw it. I never lived that moment down.

Sebastian seemed to be enjoying the ride so much, that I left the silence hang in the air. In a way, it was peaceful. Sometimes, the silence was better than anything. However, it never lasted very long.

“Hey, can I ask, how old are you, exactly?” He asked, shattering the silence like glass. I froze. I hated it when people asked me my age. I wished they would leave it alone. Still, I told him anyway.

“I’m 857.”

“What? You’re older than me!” He exclaimed. Chuckling, I turned my head and stared out the window for what felt like forever. I watched the scenery that was rushing by. I didn’t know where the airport was but apparently, it was close because within ten minutes, we pulled into the crowded parking lot.

I followed him as he led me somewhere. I didn’t ask too many questions because frankly, I was too shocked to. As we approached an air terminal I saw only four other people there. A girl with black hair that was sucked into her computer, a girl with strawberry blonde hair talking to a girl with white hair and a boy brown hair sulking in a corner.

Sebastian walked up to the girl at the computer.

“Akira, this is Dante.” He said, gesturing to me.

“Hi. I’m busy.” Was all she said. She didn’t even look up from her computer. Sebastian sighed.

“Don’t mind her. She’s not in the greatest of moods. Let me show you everyone else.” Shrugging, I walked up to him.

“That is….Griffin,” He said gesturing to the boy. The way he said his name, is sounded as if he hated him. “The girl with the blonde hair is Karin and if you even think about hurting her I will end you. And the white haired girl is Acacia.” I nodded and pretended that I was going to remember any of their names. I had a horrible memory and even worse social skills.

I heard footsteps as Sebastian walked back to…Akira. I heard the two of them conversing so I figured not to interrupt them.

I ended up taking a seat and staring off into the distance.

Please, let this all work out.

.: END :.
