

I wish Akira didn’t make me go out and get people. I’ve already gotten to Keefer and he decided to come along and I’ve gotten Kaki. She was interesting, I had to admit when I looked at her profile. A Upir was what she was. I had heard of them but rarely had I seen them. She was... interesting to say in the least. She was willing to give the MCC a try so she decided to come with.

After that, Akira texted me a list from the plane she was on, going back to Virginia. I guess she got Ela. The list consisted of a bunch of people she wanted me to go and get. There was Rosco (he had no last name on his profile), Ami Elliot Nowlan, Vevila Vanora, Alice Marie Eyre, Summer and Autumn Keith, Kateri Lynn Roberts, and Solana Mitis to go and get. Most of these people consisted in Europe or America, Hawaii even. Too many places... and with my sleep off, I’m staying up all night. I don’t mind being the errand boy... well, yes, I do.

I forgot where I was going once I got on the plane with Keefer and Kaki. I was about to fall asleep for once when Akira called me.

I flipped out my phone and held it to my ear.

“Yes, Akira?” I asked with a yawn and she sighed.

“Well, things over here are... so exciting. The house was broken into and-”

“Wait, what?” I almost yelled but a lot of people shushed me since they were trying to sleep so I slid down in my seat and got quieter.

“Will you not interrupt?” Akira sighed exasperatedly and I stayed quiet. “Thank you. Anyways, we got broken into and we already fixed it all up. Karin fixed up your room to the best of her ability-I asked her when I checked in on her- and the rest will be up to you. I was thinking about having you send everybody on a different plane when the time came to it so you wouldn’t have too much of a crowd with you like a tourist group. What do you think?” Akira asked and I thought about it for a few minutes. It would be better. I wouldn’t look suspicious or anything. If I had a big group, it would look really suspicious going through different borders with a bunch of passports.

“It would be better and we wouldn’t look suspicious or anything afterwards. We just have to give them directions. How would we do that?” I asked and Keefer and Kaki were falling asleep beside me as I looked at them. They eyed me a few times before they fell asleep.

“Well, I would have a taxi specifically come and pick them up and bring them to the house. Seems better, don’t you think?” I smirked.

“It seems. Are you sure we have enough money for that?” I asked and Akira laughed.

“Sebastian, I have rubies down in the basement. My dad was given those. At most, I sell those and we get millions of dollars. Do you think we have enough money?” She asked and I shut up. She laughed after my silence.

“Anyways, who do you have right now?” Akira asked and I rubbed my eyes.

“I have Keefer and Kaki right now. I forgot where I’m heading right now,” I told her and she made a “hmm” noise.

“Well, it seems like you’re heading towards Pennsylvania. You heading to get Solana?” Akira asked and I yawned again.

“Yeah, I guess that’s who I’m heading to. And Akira, I’m getting tired. I want to go to sleep,” I sighed and she just chuckled.

“Alright. See you, errand boy.” I didn’t bother to say goodbye and just hung up on her and stuffed my phone back in my pocket.

As I got comfortable in my seat, I pulled out my iPod to listen to and that’s when I realized I still had the program on. I decided to switch it was on since I was desperately wanting to see Karin. I stared at her dot and then realized there was one really next to her. Griffin?

Why was she so close to him? My heart pained and I just sank lower in my seat. Damn jealousy.

Thought I should make a quick post for Seb to help people along :D Hope it helps!! :DD

