Far From Cloud Nine


So... I know I already have two characters, but Solana just kinda came out of nowhere and smacked me in the face. I kind of had to write about her, you know? I hope you enjoy!! :3


Soaring among the clouds, I didn’t have to worry about being an outcast. To dance in the sky and frolic with the raindrops were incredible experiences, some I wished I could share. But, alas, at the end of the day, I had no friends. All I was and ever would be was a freak.

Loneliness was all I had ever known, and it was all I ever anticipated knowing. To be perfectly honest, it seemed as though I would be alone forever, and, after so long, I had little trouble accepting that.

It wasn’t my fault I was born this way. I didn’t choose to have wings and strangely colored hair. Yet everyone regarded me as if I was seeking attention, as if I was trying to be different. In reality, I would have given anything to be seen as normal, but, unfortunately, I could never rid myself of my abnormalities. Though I adored my wings and other traits, I knew in my heart that they were only a curse.

Sighing, I descended from the multicolored abyss above, settling in the midst of the highest tree branches I could find to watch the sunset. As I perched with my wings beating softly behind me, a rustling in the scarce leaves below reached my ears, and, frightened, I braced myself, my eyes darting over the treetops frantically.

From the foliage beneath me emerged two alabaster doves, circling overhead once before coming to rest on my outstretched fingers. Giggling quietly, I calmed my troubled thoughts and rapid heartbeat, smiling softly.

“Oh, Serenity, Axel, you two shouldn’t scare me like that,” I chided, pursing my lips. Cooing what I presumed was an apology, they fluttered about, jumping from one of my hands to the others. My fine, feathered companions were two of the many creatures I’d befriended during my time in this forest, and, though I secretly craved one of my own kind, I loved our abnormal friendship.

Dipping below the horizon, the sun painted the sky in a beautiful array of colors, the diminishing light piercing my wings and sending beams of blue light into the sky behind me. While I wasn’t fond of the choking darkness that accompanied the night, sunsets always paved the way for it in a way I couldn’t help but admire.

Too soon, the sun was engulfed by the night, the moon brightening to claim its period of reign, and, with a heavy sigh, I dove through the canopy, locating the beaten up treehouse in mere minutes.

It wasn’t much, but this treehouse was the only home I had ever known, aside from that accursed orphanage I had spent eight years in. Though it provided little shelter from the elements, it was the only place I felt even remotely safe.

Exhausted from my day of flying and having gone a few days without any food, I slumped to the floor of the roofless building, curling up on the pile of dead leaves I’d gathered in the beginning of autumn, pulling my well-worn coat over me. It wasn’t the most comfortable bed I could imagine, but it was all I had. I didn’t mind.

As the owls called to each other through the trees and a soft breeze sent dying leaves tumbling to the ground, I closed my eyes to dream of a better tomorrow, just as I did every night previously, in hopes that, for once, my dreams would come true.


Smoke. I distinctly smelled smoke. It clogged my lungs, filling them with poisonous gas, threatening to suffocate me. Slowly killing me, it continued to creep into my throat, wrapping around me, and—

With a gasp, I shot up into a sitting position, eyes flashing open and blinking into the darkness. It had only been a dream. Rubbing my eyes, I coughed, realizing that there the air filtering into me was denser than usual, filthy and smothering.

No, it wasn’t just a dream. It was reality, a living nightmare.

Now adjusted to the dimness, my eyes scanned the forest, the unusual, flickering light scalding my vision. Drunken laughter trickled through the burning trees, confirming the fire as an intentional one. Then again, in Pennsylvania, forest fires never occurred naturally. How teenagers found arson to be enjoyable, I would never know.

Rising to my feet steadily, I spread my wings, frantic to find my animal friends, covering my mouth with my coat sleeve as I did so.

“Serenity? Axel?” I called quietly, drifting to the ground and landing softly on the balls of my feet. Coughing, I shielded my eyes from the ash that fell like snow from the heavens, straining my eyes to see into the inferno that surrounded me.

Cautiously, I stepped forward, unsure of where to begin my search, but, as soon as my foot hit the ground, an echoing crunch reached my ears. Frozen, I feared glancing down, hoping it had merely been a branch but knowing deep down I was wrong. Tears forming in my eyes, I dared a glance downward, immediately regretting my decision.

Beneath my slipper-clad feet lay the singed body of Serenity, her feathers blackened and her neck snapped. I supposed this was what I deserved for rejecting social interaction, my only friend’s carcass crushed under my feet.

Trembling, I reached for my fallen friend after taking a step back, longing to feel her downy body in my hand once more, but, at that moment, a dry branch broke off of the tree above, its dead leaves ignited, to cut me off, nearly searing my face.

As I held in a sob, I stumbled backward, frantically searching for an escape.

All around me, the blaze leapt high into the trees, and, up above, the branches burst into flame, surrounding me in a fiery cage. Desperately, I beat my wings against the stagnant air, hoping to breach the fire and escape into the sky, but, as I should have expected, the gentle movement only fanned more oxygen into the pyre, causing it to grow rapidly.

Unable to breathe properly, I returned to the ground, bending over and wheezing. It was all over. I was hopelessly trapped, and, pretty soon, I would die from the poisonous smoke. At least my struggling would be over. I only wished I could have lived a better, more sustaining life.

My eyelids growing heavy and my breathing becoming ragged, I knelt on the forest floor, sliding onto my side to lay among the leaves. So this is how it ends.

However, just as I had begun to close my eyes to block out the sight of my impending destruction, a large rustling in the underbrush drew my attention, the sound too loud for any creature of the woods to make. Somehow managing to keep my eyes open, I kept them locked on the source of the noise, wondering what someone—or something—was doing this deep in the woods in the midst of a wildfire.

Within minutes, a silhouetted figure emerged from the bushes, their form hazy in my eyes. As soon as they had spotted me, they tucked whatever they had been holding into the pocket of their jacket and moved toward me. Instantly, I was seized with fear, and, while I knew it would do no good, I struggled to rise, keeping my wings folded against my back.

“Here, take my hand,” the figure insisted in a deep voice as he drew nearer, offering his hand. Wary, I barely glanced at it, pushing myself away from him and trying not to inhale the smoke. “Please. If you want to live, you have to come with me now.”

While his face was mostly obscured by the haze, his piercing green eyes were sincere, and, without a second thought, I placed my hand in his. I didn’t know why, but his candid honesty made me forget my unpleasant lifestyle.

“Now, follow closely behind me. We haven’t got much time.” Knowing his words were true, I tried my very best to keep pace with him, covering my mouth with my free hand and dodging falling branches all the while.

Even though I was out of breath within a few minutes, I forced myself to trudge onward, desperate to escape this Hell now that I had the opportunity to do so.

Finally, we escaped the forest, and, as my feet touched wet grass, I fell to the ground, panting and trying not to lament. In a way that I supposed was meant to be soothing, the man placed a hand on my shoulder as he knelt beside me, but, automatically, I pushed myself up from my laying position, scooting away from him with wide eyes.

“W-who are you?” I questioned softly, my voice shaking. “And why did you help me?”

“My name is Sebastian, and I’m a member of the Mythological Creatures Club, or the MCC for short,” he answered smoothly, giving me the impression he had given the same spiel before. “Could you clarify your name with me quickly?”

“Um... my name is Solana, but—”

“It’s nice to officially meet you. And, to answer your other question... Well, the leader of our club, Akira, has instructed me to travel around to gain new members for the club.”

“I-I don’t understand.”

“It’s a lot to take in,” he agreed, smiling kindly. “You see, we’re all mythical creatures in the MCC, as you can probably guess from the name.”

“But you seem so normal!” I couldn’t keep my mouth shut tight enough, but, despite my abrupt comment, a short laugh escaped his lips. “M-mythical creatures? Like what?”

“Well, you’re obviously some sort of Avian, right?” he queried, glancing pointedly at my wings. In response, I folded them tightly against each other, making them as small as possible.

“Um... n-not exactly,” I mumbled, casting my gaze downward as a blush crept across my cheeks. “I still... I don’t know if I can trust you. Sorry.” Nodding in understanding, he held a hand up, signalling for me to say no more.

“I understand completely,” he nodded, reaching a hand towards his mouth. “Don’t panic when I show you. I promise I won’t hurt you.” Eyes growing wide, I nodded hesitantly, nervous for whatever he intended to do. Offering a tight-lipped smile, he exhaled heavily, clearly worried for how I would react. Apparently figuring it was inevitable, he quickly opened his mouth wide, pointing to the delicately curved incisors on either side of his mouth.

If I had been able to, I’d have blanched.

Vampire. He was a bloodsucking vampire.

I struggled to maintain my composure, my heart racing in my chest like there was no tomorrow. Even so, he had promised he wouldn’t hurt me. You had to keep a promise, right? That was what I assumed, what, with my lack of human—or humanoid—interaction.

“There are a number of other kinds of creatures in the club,” he explained, watching me carefully. “So what are you?”

“I’m a—a Nephele, a nymph,” I muttered, swallowing hard. “A cloud nymph, to be exact.” Nodding thoughtfully, he rose to his feet, peering down at me once he did so.

“Interesting,” he mused. “Well, I’d like to ask you to join our club.” Though I opened my mouth to protest, he cut me off. “You’ve been living out in the woods for a long time, haven’t you? Wouldn’t you rather live in an actual home, a mansion to be exact, with people who’d accept you?” Biting my lip, I contemplated his offer.

For nearly ten years I’d been residing in that treehouse, constantly on the brink of starvation and living without any real companionship. Perhaps... perhaps it was time for a change. Could I really trust him? Could I trust anyone?

Then again, what did I really have to lose?


Well, there you have it, folks! Solana's first post. I hope you like her, because I really do for some reason. Then again, I did create her.... Nonetheless, anticipate more from her!!
