Mini Story Collection

This post will be broken into eight parts. Don't worry, though! The first is the longest by far. I'm sorry if I portrayed your character inaccurately. If I did, just let me know, and it (possibly) won't happen again. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

Picking up Vevila :
One day, Ash found herself sitting in a cab, clutching a wad of cash from Akira and a poster on which the club’s newest arrival’s name was written in bold letters. Akira had given her just enough money for the cab ride to and from the airport, telling her that she was in charge of bringing Vevila back to the mansion. With Sebastian still gone picking up wayward creatures, Akira was stretched thin at the club, as it seemed everyone needed her for something. When it came time to pick up Vevila from the airport, Akira was too busy to go, and everyone seemed to have some pressing matter to attend to except Ash. Thus, she found herself sitting in a cab.

Upon reaching the airport, Ash shuffled awkwardly into the terminal and held up the sign. After what felt like an eternity, a beautiful girl with long, flowing hair and a hungry look on her face approached her. “Are you the welcome committee?” she asked, looking Ash up and down before gazing at her through her eyelashes and blinking prettily.

“Um,” Ash said, feeling distinctly uncomfortable. Taking this as rejection, Vevila rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. As Ash led her to the cab, she could hear her muttering under her breath about the lack of testosterone in mythological men, because gosh darnit, she was BEAUTIFUL.

Ash helped Vevila load her luggage into the cab (or rather, loaded Vevila’s luggage into the cab), and then they both slid into the vehicle. Vevila flirted mercilessly with Ash for the first leg of the ride, but gave up after about forty-five minutes and retreated into a sulky silence. As the silence wore on, Ash slowly started drifting off to sleep.

“Hey!” Vevila shrieked. Ash lurched awake, and the cab driver slammed on the breaks.

“What’s your problem, lady?” he shouted, followed by a stream of babbling expletives. Ignoring him, Vevila jumped out of the cab and ran across the traffic-ridden street. Horns blazed and cars swerved, but she made it safely to the sidewalk, leaving Ash to hurriedly pay the driver, grab her bags, and run after her. She reached the sidewalk, staggering under the weight of the luggage, just in time to see Vevila disappear into an antique store on the street corner. Glancing around, Ash set the bags down just outside the door and prayed no one would steal them, before following Vevila into the musty store.

Tinkling bells announced her arrival, and an elderly lady standing behind the counter smiled benignly and called out a feeble greeting. Unsure of what to do, Ash gave the lady a stiff smile and a jerky wave, and then walked over to where Vevila was sorting through merchandise.

“What the h*ll was that?” Ash whispered furiously. For some reason, she felt it would be wrong to disturb the quiet sanctity of the store.

Unfazed, Vevila responded, “I’m looking for my comb. The man who stole it from me…well, there’s no reason a man would need a comb like that. Maybe he sold it.”

“Let me get this straight,” Ash said. “You terrified the cab driver and nearly caused several car accidents because of the off chance you would find a comb?”

“Yes,” Vevila nodded, all the while continuing to rummage.

Finally, with a heavy sigh, she withdrew and crossed her arms. “It’s not here.”

“I could have told you that,” Ash muttered. Vevila tilted her head.

“Did you say something?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Good. Because while I didn’t find my comb, I did find this!” she said, holding up a beautiful ivory butterfly hairclip. “I don’t have any of your American money yet, so you’ll just have to buy it for me,” she said, dragging Ash to the checkout counter.

“I don’t have any money!” Ash protested, struggling to get out of Vevila’s grasp.

“Yes, you do,” she said. “You have a whole wad of it, right there in your pocket. Or are you just happy to see me?” She winked and poked the lump in Ash’s pocket.

“Hey!” Ash wriggled away from her touch. “Don’t do that! Anyway, that’s Akira’s money, and it’s just enough to get us home.”

“Oh, loosen up!” Vevila said in frustration before shoving her hand in Ash’s pocket, grabbing the money, and buying the hairclip herself. Ash stood perfectly still, mouth agape, and her twitching eye was the only indication of the anger boiling inside her.

When Vevila handed Ash the change left over from her purchase, all of her anger dissipated into a terrible, deep despair. Ash hadn’t thought too highly of the club up until that point, but with over eighty miles between her and the mansion and three dollars with which to get there, the MCC suddenly seemed like a dreamland. She found herself yearning for the feel of the giant plush couches and exquisite shag carpets, the beds that felt like they were made of clouds, the expansive gardens, and even (just a bit) for the other creatures themselves. “We’re never going to get home now,” she said, on the brink of tears.

“Whoa, man. Just whoa,” Vevila said, obviously uncomfortable with her seemingly male companion’s display of emotion. “We’ll get there, just give me a moment.” She walked outside and picked up her bags (which thankfully had not been stolen). She checked out the oncoming traffic, and seeing a truck coming her way, she straightened, threw her shoulders back and chest forward, thrust out a hip, and extended a dainty fist with her thumb up. The truck screeched to a stop, and a hairy man with a ruddy complexion stuck his head out the window.

“You lookin’ for a ride, lady?” he called.

“Yes!” Vevila said, then puckered her lips as though thinking. “Although, we have to bring him, too.” She gestured towards Ash. “He’s a bit slow, and I don’t know that he could go about on his own without hurting himself. I’m kind of watching out for him.” Ash gave Vevila a wounded look, but climbed into the truck all the same.

Ash had never hitch-hiked before, and all in all, it was terrifying. The truck was big and rumbling, and so was the truck driver, except with the added bonus of being hairy and smelly. To make matters worse, Vevila was all over him as he drove, and Ash was sure they’d go careening off the side of the road.

After what felt like forever, Ash started to recognize the landmarks. “We’re almost there,” she said to Vevila. “We can walk from here.” Vevila nodded, and the truck driver pulled off to the side of the road.

“You go ahead and get off,” Vevila said to Ash. “I’d like to…thank the driver for escorting us here.” Ash got the general drift of what she was saying, and hopped out of the truck in disgust. A few minutes later, Vevila also jumped to the ground, looking satisfied.

“That was fast,” Ash said.

“Oh, no, not really,” Vevila replied. “I wasn’t very hungry.”

Ash squinted in confusion, but decided not to comment. She wasn’t entirely sure what Vevila had meant by that, but knowing her, it probably meant something raunchy. It wasn’t until they had divided up the bags and started walking that Ash looked back and saw the truck driver slumped against the window, looking unnaturally pale. With a sickening lurch of her stomach, Ash realized that Vevila wasn’t being crude, but had literally eaten the man. She threw a terrified, knowing look at Vevila and quickened her pace, suddenly more desperate than ever to reach the relative safety of the mansion.

(I think it’s safe to say that Vevila terrifies Ash).