Being Social....ish.....

Okay, so this friendship with Kateri and Keefer is kinda fun xD

I was jerked out of a kind of sound sleep by a lot of noise. Shouting? Laughing? What the heck.....

"Keefer!" My door was thrown open by Kateri. "Why aren't you at the fiest? You gotta come, there's so much food and drinks and everybody's having a lot of fun! Come on!" She grabbed my hand and before I could say a word I was being dragged downstairs. Where EVERYONE was.

"Isn't it awesome?!"

"Not the word I'd use....."

"Oh come on, silly boy, you can't hide in your room all the time. Have some fun!"

Fun. Right....but she looked so happy....



People were looking at me like they'd never seen me before. Well, some of them hadn't, so it was understandable. But some of them were even smiling at me and saying hi. This was so weird! Especially when I found myself starting to smile back. I didn't know half their names, or what they were or anything, and for once I kind of wanted to.


"You spoke! All by yourself! That's so awesome, I'm so excited....oh, sorry. Yes?"

"Do you could...introduce me to some people?"

"Of course! Come on!" With that, she grabbed my hand again and began to socialize me.
That's all for now, sorry it's short (seems like it's always short when I write). But I'm so proud of Keefer
