Date? What Blasphemy is This?


IT HAS BEEN SO LONG, AND I AM SO SO SORRY FOR THAT. Also, sorry for the crapness of this. I forced it out. Because I love you. ;D Hope it’s moderately acceptable xD

OH ONE MORE THING. This is in a few parts (because that’s just how we do dates here apparently), so stay tuned! It’ll all be up in remotely the same time period, so DON’T FRET (not that you were going to) <3


It was a new day.

The sun hung in the sky, clouds drifting lazily across it, and the air carried a devastating chill. Even so, it was perfect. It could not have been any more so.

Hair tied at the base of her neck, Akira trotted by my side, a permanent blush coating her cheeks. A smile found its way onto my lips as I dared a glance at her. Despite her typical choice of apparel, she had donned a more feminine garb for this day.

A black sleeveless shirt, covered by a gray cardigan, clothed her, accompanied by a pair of what she and the other women would call “skinny jeans.”

They looked more like torture devices to me.

No matter. Circulation or no circulation, she was as beautiful as ever. She would never believe me, of course, but that did not stop me from thinking so.

She fidgeted as we came across a crosswalk. “Griffin?”

Drawing my coat closer in the front to connect the buttons, I turned to her. “Yes, Akira?”

“What... why did you ask this all of a sudden? Why now?” Her inquiry caught me by surprise.

“I am afraid I do not know what you mean.” Brows furrowed, I stuffed my hands in my pockets. It would have been wise to grab a pair of gloves. Next time, I must be certain to do so.

With a sigh, she shook her head, dismissing my confusion. “Nevermind. Come on.” She crossed the street, and I willingly obliged.

While her abrupt demand had been unexpected, the longer I pondered over it, the more my head began to ache.

Why had I desired to seek her out? The answer... was elusive. Had I always wished to do so? I certainly believed so, but I could not be sure.

You must focus on getting more sleep. You are becoming one of those sleep-deprived zombies you see around the house and around the town. There is no point in dwelling on this.

As we rounded the next corner, I was extremely relieved I had managed to acquire a few twenties from my nightstand prior to leaving. The market... was huge.

It spanned across at least three square blocks, every inch covered by a vendor’s terrain. Knick-knacks and jewelry dominated the attention of the customers, but there were far more attractions to see.

Though she tried to hide it, Akira’s eyes lit up, filled with a sort of childish innocence that seemed to have gone extinct in her.

I reached for her hand. “Come, let us... shop.” She stifled a grin.

“Never thought I’d hear you say those words, Dragonboy.”

And for once, I did not correct her.


After about an hour of aimless shopping and watching some street performers, I had acquired a few hodgepodge of gifts to bestow upon our friends. They were all unique, some more personal than others, and all cheap.

I was not made of money, after all.

During our adventure, something caught my eye. I tugged Akira away from a meat vendor, much to her dismay, and led her to a “shady” shop.

She peered at me. “Uh, Griffin, you mind telling me what you’re doing?”

“I saw something you might like.” With a simple, sharp motion, I pointed out the glimmering pendant.

For a moment, she did not react.

Then, she reached for the necklace with wide-eyes. As she fingered the silver wolf with caution, she turned to me.

“It’s... beautiful.”

Before she could speak any more, I handed a twenty to the mustachioed man beneath the tent.


“I thought it suited you well.” With my help, she fastened the clasp behind her neck.

“Thank you.” A genuine smile graced her lips. Then, it faltered,and she bowed her head. “Griffin, I... I have to tell you something. It’s just... I don’t mean to ruin this,” she motioned to signify the date, “but I need you to know.”

My heart clenched. “Yes?” Oh, Gods, has this all been in vain? I would not blame her...

“Today’s the anniversary of my father’s passing,” Akira blurted, towing me along out of the vendor’s hearing range. “I... I know it may sound strange... but... I want to visit his grave.”

I nodded, solemn. “But of course. It is not strange at all. I shall let you be.”

She grabbed my arm. “No, wait.” After taking a deep breath, she softened her grip. “I... I want you to come with me.”

With a careful smile, I breathed a sigh of relief. “I would be happy to accompany you. Show the way, my dear.”

She grinned gratefully, and led us toward the darkest part of the city. The darkest part of her past.


ALSO!!!!!!! Larua, that Chimera chick who's profile you have all read, I'm sure AND WHO'S OWNER MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SMALL, ELF-LIKE WOMAN WHO I AM GREATLY ASSOCIATED WITH will take over at the end. BECAUSE WE COLLABED AND STUFF OVER A MONTH AGO. PATIENCE PEOPLE. Sorry. I'm sick. So... LOOPYNESS.

Goodness..... yeah... errrr.... enjoy? Yeah. <3
