Getting Adjusted

So this is my second post. :D Yay! I hope that it's not hard to follow and stuff.



And against everything that I attempted to accomplish, I somehow ended up inside the mansion. I replayed the ridiculous events that got me there in my head, and I still couldn't believe that this was happening to me.

After I ran out of the car into the forest, I discovered that my assailants had deemed my backpack a lost cause. I found myself without my precious, precious assets, and greived for my forgotten laptop. It was probably broken even.

I hopelessly judged that I couldn't fly my way out of this place in the dark, so I decided to spend the night in the forest. As soon as dawn broke I would be out of there, and if I was lucky, my kidnappers wouldn't look for me. Hopefully.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered that my survival skills were rather subpar. I had no idea how to build a shelter, a fire, or anything remotely useful. It was also really cold, and that sucked. I shivered for like an hour before I realized that the appendages on my back were multifunctional. I struggled out of my hoodie, lifted my tank top, undid my wing bindings, pulled my tank top back down, and proceeded to wrap my wings around myself.

With my hoodie tied around my waist by the sleeves, I sat up against a tree. This might even have lasted me the night, had I not acted like an idiot thereafter. After hearing several twigs snap, imagining that I saw something, and realizing exactly how dark it was outside, spending the night in the forest was no longer a possibility. I bolted. I ran towards the clearing where I knew the mansion was and prepared to take flight. It looked like I was going to navegate the darkness after all.

Instead, I tripped over a tree root. The humiliation of landing flat on my face literally brought me back down to earth. I just lay there, looking at my life and my choices. Lamenting. To cry, or not to cry, that was the question. SUDDENLY TWO LARGE MEN.

Not your everyday six-foot monstronsities, mind you. From what I could tell, a dragon man and his young adult friend had come to help me up. I can only imagine what my face did, but I felt like it was grimacing in horror. My parents had never told me that angels weren't the only weird things in existence, and I kind of wished they had.

I noted with embarrassment that my tank top was absolutely soaked with dried blood. No wonder they were making such a fuss; I must have looked like a train wreck after my little run-in with the family vehicle. I weakly protested that I was fine, but maybe I wasn't, because I was feeling a tad dizzy. I think the recent events were starting to overwhelm me.

The two guys escorted me up the stairs and through some more weird people. I might have stared at one of them, and it was probably rude, but at the time I didn't care. I'm also pretty sure that my new expression said something like, "I am 500% done." When they dumped me on the bed, I simply thought, 'Screw it' before I fell asleep.

So then the mansion. I awoke in the morning feeling much better than the day before. That was probably the worst Christmas I'd ever had, though. I thought about where I was for several minutes and concluded that the people here were probably not kidnappers after all. Perhaps they brought me to their house because they realized that going to a hospital wouldn't be a good idea? Ya'know, because they figured out I was a different species and understood. That made more sense to me, so I rose from the bed in an attempt to find the owner.

I saw the girl that I thought owned the place holding a dude's hand and giving a speech to everyone. It seemed pretty private and serious, so I decided not to intrude. I crept to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal. I ate it. I borrowed a book that was sitting on the table. I started to read it. After a while, I felt someone sit beside me.

"Oh," I said, after seeing a face that I found familiar. I searched my brain and came up with the rest. "Did you hit me with a car?"

The boy (girl?) that had (not really) kidnapped me yesterday blushed and averted his/her eyes. "I wasn't actually driving," he/she said. He/she seemed flustered.

"It's okay. I mean, I needed a place to stay anyway, um..." I trailed off. I didn't really know what to say. 'Should I thank him/her? What do I call him/her?' I thought. This whole conversation was getting really awkward. I decided that maybe I should just ask.

"Hey, uh, what pronoun do you identify with?"

"What!?" His/her face slowly reddened, and he/she was wearing a horrified look.

"Oh, gosh, I don't mean to be rude! But I think it's more rude if I go around using the wrong one, ya'know?" If this was a trans person, I had totally ruined his chance of passing today. Yep, I was officially embarrassed.

"My name is Ash, I'm a guy, and I-I have to go." he said, as he ran out of the room.

Smooth, Bridgette. Smooth. I put both of my hands in my face and groaned. 'I need the Internet,' I thought to myself, 'I need the Internet right now.'

I stumbled around the mansion's many rooms trying to find somewhere public with a computer. Fortunately, I ended up in the library. That's when I saw her.

"Another angel," I whispered exitedly. My face lit up at the normalcy, and I practically sprinted to her table.

'Should I try to talk to her? I'm not very adept at conversation. I really need to know someone around here, though, and I've already messed up with the trans dude.' With these thoughts, I began to introduce myself.

"Hi. I'm Bridgette. What's your name?" I wanted to kick myself for how lame I sounded.
I didn't know if the girl had heard me at first, but then she slowly looked up from her book with a bored expression.


"Oh, hello Ela." 'What should I ask? How are you? Where are we? If it isn't too much trouble, could you tell me what sort of secret society this is?'

I settled with, "What are you reading?"

She looked up again. "The Secret Sharer. It's Joseph Conrad; you probably wouldn't get it." She must have realized that she sounded kind of rude, because she quickly added, "I mean the meaning that I take from it. You would think it was weird."

"Oh, that's cool. Maybe I'll read it sometime," I replied.

"Yeah." She studied me for a minute before asking, "So what are you, anyway?"

I frowned. "I'm an angel, like you. We both have wings, see? Halos. All that jazz."

"I'm not an angel." Her tone sounded defensive. "...I'm an avian." Now her tone was slightly sheepish. 'I guess she's trying to be friends?'

"I see." My heart sank at the thought that I could be the only angel here, but at least we were kind of similar. I wasn't going to turn down a friendship over that.

"Hey, were you looking for something?" Ah, yes. Thank you.

"Is there like, a computer around here? That I could use?"

She nodded over at the other side of the library. "That way."

"Right." However, I didn't want to be alone again just yet. At home, sure, but not wherever I was now. "Could I read with you for a while?"

For a few moments her face was blank. "...Sure."

So I picked out a book and sat down across from her.

And we read.


Yay, new friendship! We are all going to have so much fun. O_O And I know that Sebastian's not actually six feet tall. XP That was an estimation on Bridgette's part.
