InkandQuill's Character, Emil!

[√] I understand, you have my permission. I wish to join the club.
[ ] I do not understand. {if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!}
Character's Full Name: Emil
Pronunciation: Ehm-uhl
Species: Golem
Abilities: Minor earth based magic.
Appearance: 18
Actual: Unknown
Height: 5’ 7”
Hair: Dark brown with copper highlights
Eye Color(s): Green
Skin Color(s): deeply tanned
Looks: (Appearance: Emil has long dark, scraggly hair that seems to rarely see a brush. Standing at five foot seven, Emil isn’t very imposing, making his job of standing around and seeming invisible until called much easier. His skin is dark, almost like a red clay pot that had been left in the sun for far too long. His skin appears cracked and worn, similar to flaking paint. His green eyes are framed by too long fringe that often gets in the way. His eyes are always trained down to the floor. Emil also has runes carved into the skin of his back, jagged and uneven in depth and texture.
Outfit/Style: Emil is very much a ‘wear whatever’ sort of guy. Most often he wears holey clothes, not aware of an existence of style or fashion.
Likes: bread, potatoes, and the colour green
Dislikes: the cold, rain, the colour red
Strengths: Physically strong
Weaknesses: He’s not the brightest bulb in the pack.
Fears: People, not knowing what to do.
***Relationships: Emil is a very confused individual. He doesn’t feel right when he’s not being ordered around by people, but doesn’t like it when they give him enough attention to even notice him.
***Family: N/A
***History: N/A
