As If I Wasn't In Enough Trouble


I was in a lot of trouble, whether it be with Karin or anybody else. Of course, hanging out with my friends was fun after the day that Vevila fed on me and Karin yelled at me, but whenever I came back to the hotel room, Karin was mad and she wouldn’t talk to me, and of course, I had to tell her after she confronted Vevila that same night she yelled at me, that I had fed.

When she came back to the room after confronting Vevila that night, I wasn’t there. I was instead feeding on the humans only because I needed to. I didn’t care what Karin said, I needed to feed and I did. I killed a whole gang, and go figure, I killed the most dangerous one in Munich. All I did was walk into them beating up somebody in the streets and they took me back to their headquarters. I let them because once they had taken me back there, I attacked and all of them were dead within an hour. Of course, since they did have guns because that only makes sense because they were the most dangerous gang, I did get a few wounds here and there but they weren’t that big of a deal. I had drained every single person in that room, every single member of that gang. And it was all delicious.

I felt guilty afterwards, of course, but I eventually didn’t care because I felt a lot stronger and calmer. My eyes went back to their ‘natural’ electric green and I felt like I could punch through anything.

But when I got back to the hotel room, I wanted to flee like a little girl because Karin was wondering where I was and I had to tell her what I did. It hasn’t been pleasant the past few days up until we went to see Charlie and we found out the truth, Sam came back, and found out that Griffin’s brother was alive.

Of course, I read my file and read that I had a lower red blood cell count than a lot of people, or at least, lower than average and that’s why I was turned into a vampire, why I killed humans for their blood. I had to do what I needed to do though, and that was feed. I didn’t like the idea now that the truth had come to me. My eye color was apparently blue before they were electric green, and I originated from France. My brother was killed in a drive by shooting instead of killed by another vampire and he was killed right in front of me. What would he say if he was still alive? Would he be disappointed in me? I suspected so, since he was half of the time I did stuff to keep us alive.

My parents were searching for us, and they are still searching for me to this day apparently, but only me. I fled the scene when my brother was killed and they found the body and returned it to my parents. The only reason why we had been alone that night was because we had escaped the X.L. base in France quite easily, and then my brother was killed right in front of me. I fled and had been on the run since, missing. We were taken a year previous of that event. I was in my teen years and my brother was younger. We were stolen away in the night and I honestly had no recollection of that, but then again, the chips in our brains made sure we didn’t remember our previous lives.

Karin wouldn’t let me look at hers at first, but once we were on the plane and after a few hours, she let me. I read up on her and what had happened to her. It wasn’t pretty and I didn’t like to think about it. I handed it back to her and the rest of the plane ride, we were quiet. She slept, I slept, and that was about it, that is until we landed and we got to our burning mansion, or well, Akira’s really.

It wasn’t pretty seeing her like this. It was honestly sad. We were brought down into a bunker Akira’s mom had apparently been living in for years, and it was a surprise to even hear that she existed. I thought she was dead, but apparently she wasn’t. Once it was revealed that Cyrus was the one that created Xenogenesis Laboratories, everything went haywire, and I honestly admit, I hated the man. So did Karin, but a lot more than I did. Once we were able to get a tour of the underground tunnels and our rooms, Karin and I settled in ours, after finding out what direction Akira went in. Apparently, she went to the graveyard, or at least, down the tunnel that led to the graveyard. Maybe Karin and I could go find her after we settled in.

The rooms were pretty nice compared to what I thought they would be. They weren’t dirt walls or anything. They were actually wooden walls and there was a skylight on the ceiling, along with a ceiling fan since nothing would be greatly air conditioning us under the ground. It was actually hotter, but not as hot as it was next to the mansion. The flooring of the room was padded with carpet and the size of the room was a decent size considering how many rooms there were along this side of the tunnel.

There was a queen size bed in the room along with a chest that was at the foot of the bed. Across from the chest, there was a wooden dresser and beside that to the right, there was a vanity for the girls. There were lights and everything you practically needed to live in the room, except for a kitchen and a bathroom. Apparently, the bathrooms were like ones at human colleges, where you share them and they were of course, separated by gender. The dining hall was down in that first hallway we first entered when we got down here. It was beside the gardening room, across from the holding chamber, where that man who Charlie captured was.

“This is pretty nice, huh?” I asked Karin as I set our luggage down on the bed, along with the bags that Akira’s mom gave us. Apparently, her name was Danielle. Danielle Corners. Karin gave no answer as she sat down on the bed and clutched her bag from the mansion.

“Karin...” I sighed and moved some of the luggage onto the floor so that I could sit beside Karin. Instead, she scooted away from me. “Seriously, Karin?” I sighed and she looked at me.

“How many did you kill?” She muttered. This was the only thing that she wanted to ask me? Seriously?

“A whole gang.” Her eyes went wide. “A dangerous gang that was roaming the streets of Munich. I killed the whole gang and fed, Karin... I needed to or else I would’ve died from bloodthirst. You can’t keep feeding on just animals, Karin. The reason I’m a vampire is because I have a lack of red blood cells in my body. I need the blood, Karin. I’m hoping Charlie might be able to do something so that I don’t have to feed,” I sighed and she finally looked at me.

“It isn’t for me for you to stop feeding on humans?” She asked quietly and I shook my head.

“I don’t want to kill anyone else, Karin. I only did what I did because I was deprived so much of blood to where I needed it or I was going to die. I don’t want to kill anymore, Karin,” I told her and she pondered this for a second before nodding.

“At least you killed those who were going to harm others,” Karin said with a small smile and I smiled.

“Is everything between us okay now?” I asked her and she smiled fully.

“Only if you want it to be, Sebby. Just don’t go near Vevila, okay?” I smiled as I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

“Oui,” I said with a smile and she smiled and we started to unpack our things. We helped each other put our clothes away, throwing them to each other or slapping each other with them playfully, and put our things away. Soon, it was our room again from the mansion, but there was quite a difference between our room in a mansion and a room underground. Once we finished, we decided to head out but ran into Dante and Acacia. They seemed to be doing better since the airplane ride here, and since the fire on the mansion. I don’t think their backstories were that great, but they seemed to be better since they learned of it.

“Where are you guys going?” Dante asked and Karin smiled.

“We’re going to go and find Akira. And you?” She asked and Acacia smiled widely.

“We’re going to go and look at the gardening room. Ms. Corners said that I would enjoy it so I thought I would go and look at it immediately,” Acacia exclaimed and Dante rolled his eyes.

“And I’m just going along for the ride,” He sighed and Acacia elbowed him in the ribs and he doubled over in pain.

“You will enjoy it, non?” she smiled and they went off to the gardening room and when we turned around, I saw Charlie going off down the corridor where Akira apparently went.

“Charlie!” I called down the corridor and he turned around and smiled.

“Sebastian, Karin.” He walked back over to us. God, his eye was creepy.

“Are you going to find Akira?” Karin asked and he nodded.

“Yes, I am,” he put shortly.

“Can we come with you?” Karin asked and Charlie hesitated for a minute.

“Sure. Just keep up. I don’t want to lose her tracks,” Charlie said and I nodded and we kept up as much as we could, following Akira’s tracks and soon, we left the club behind and we were following Charlie into a cavern of darkness that just had lights once in awhile.

“Charlie?” Karin questioned and Charlie moved his head towards Karin.

“Yes?” He asked and Karin hesitated for a moment in nervousness.

“Can I ask you a question?” She asked and he nodded. “How did your eye end up like that?” Of course that was the question. He hesitated before speaking.

“It was a mess up Xeno did while they were trying to change my eye color. Instead of changing my eye color, they changed the whole eye and enlarged it, and I’ve been testing many things on myself to change it back and I can’t change it back,” Charlie shrugged and this intrigued me.

“You experiment on yourself?” I asked and Charlie nodded as we started to come upon a ladder.

“I’ve done it too many times, but I love doing it,” Charlie smirked as we came upon the metal ladder and he started to climb it, and once he pushed the pothole cover, we followed him up and we found ourselves in the graveyard. Considering the time that we got in from the plane, it had to be at least sunset now and I was correct in the matter.

Off in the distance, I could see a figure sitting on a bench, looking out at the graveyard, and I figured that was Akira, because we started to head towards the figure. When we got closer, there was no reaction from Akira. Her face was red and she was still crying, but silently. All she was doing was staring out at the graveyard. Karin hopped over to her and sat beside her, putting her hand over Akira’s.

“Akira?” She piped up quietly and Akira didn’t move.

“Sissy?” Charlie asked quietly as he kneeled in front of her and I sat down beside Akira and took her other hand.

“Wolfy?” I asked and there still wasn’t a reaction, except for a single word.

“Hey,” she said quietly, her voice hoarse.

“How are you doing, Sissy?” Charlie asked and her eyes moved to him.

“Not well,” she said quietly and he nodded and took her hands from us and held them in his own.

“Sissy, you need to come back,” Charlie said and she just blinked.

“Why, so that wyvern can hurt me more?” She cried slightly and Charlie shook his head.

“I don’t want you getting caught by X.L., Sissy, so I have to take the chip out of you. That’s why I came out here. Not only to have you come back but also to tell you that being out here threatens all of us down below. X.L. knows where we all are right now, except for me,” Charlie sighed and Akira swallowed.

“Okay. I’ll come back but only on one condition,” She hiccupped and Charlie smiled a little.

“Anything, Sissy.”

“After you get the chip out, you let me do whatever I want. If I disappear for a day, don’t send anyone after to find me, okay? If I want to leave, then I’ll leave, okay?” Akira hiccupped and Charlie sighed. That was a bit of an... extreme, but I understood where Akira was coming from.

“Okay, Sissy. Do you want your porcupine quills gone too?” She nodded. “Anything else?” She shook her head. I think she was done with talking. “I’ll have to cut your hair too so that I can operate. Is that okay?” She nodded.

“Most of it’s burned anyways from the fire,” she sniffled and we nodded and once we got her to stand up, we headed back down to the tunnels and back to where everyone was. Akira stayed quiet the whole time and by the time we got back to the rooms and headed towards a room that was indicated ‘Operating Room’, Griffin and Cyrus were just exiting the conference room and we all stopped just as Charlie opened up the door.

“What is going on?” Griffin asked and I just blinked. Charlie apparently couldn’t stand being in Griffin’s presence and went inside the operating room.

“Akira’s going in for operation on her brain. Maybe you would like to be there?” I spat but before he was able to respond, I spoke up again. “Or are you too busy with your brother to even bother with her?” I narrowed my eyes and Griffin wasn’t able to give a fast enough response. “Right, I thought so.”

“Akira?” Griffin said and Akira didn’t even bother to look at him. She just walked into the Operating Room and I heard Christina’s heels coming down the hallway. She was soon behind me and walking into the Operating Room. Charlie soon popped his head out.

“If we have any more in here, you better come now. I won’t allow Griffin to come in, nor will I let Cyrus. The only reason why I won’t let Cyrus come in is because he’s malnourished and he’s not healthy. I won’t let Griffin in because he’s a douche, so are you two coming in or what?” Charlie asked in an irritated voice and both Karin and I shook our heads. Soon, the door was closed and the red button that was beside the door was now glowing red. It said ‘Operating’ underneath it and I turned to Griffin. He looked like he was at a loss for words. Cyrus however, seemed to be staring at Karin. I stepped in front of her for protection.

“Sebby, stop it. He’s hurt, can’t you see that?” And here we go again with helping people, even those we don’t like. Okay...

“Yes, I see that. Do you want to help him or something?” I asked her and she nodded and pushed me aside and walked over to him.

“Hey, you need help with those wounds? Or maybe some food? Charlie said you were malnourished...” Cyrus just nodded and I was surprised how nice she was being towards Cyrus, considering the fact that he created X.L., but Karin had an optimistic side that I didn’t. She looked at people differently here, more than most people here actually. I smiled a little as she took Cyrus into a room that was named ‘Medical Supplies.’ Griffin and I followed both of them into the room and just watched Karin be nice to Cyrus, most likely hoping that Akira would be fine during brain surgery.

This was weird.

SO. Um. Here's Sebby, and the description of the wounds. Akira's going under for surgery on her brain. Andddddd... I'm pretty dead for writing now xD I hope everybody posts! We had an interesting twist! Let's continue to write for it! xD *shot*

Who knows, maybe I'll make a map of the underground tunnels so that you guys can see where everything is xD

