
I am brilliant with titles, I know. Okay so I'm really lazy. I'm sorry >.<




I hated being underground. It was so cold, so damp. I felt terribly alone, save for the faint voices of the others and the echoes of my own breathing that continued to pester me.

This bunker, though convenient and safe, was cramped, and I could only isolate myself in one of the rooms which branched off the main hallway. I needed to be alone. I needed to think.

I didn’t blame Cyrus—really, I didn’t—but I was angry, if not at him for starting the process then at Xenogenesis for twisting his dream. It was so wrong, evil in fact. Like Disney-villain-evil. But that was what I expected from them at this point.

And I was starting to believe they were worse than Maleficent and Captain Hook combined.

My fingers were stiff from clutching the file so tightly for so long. I hadn’t dared to open it. The reactions of some of the others turned my stomach. They looked so scared, white as sheets and dripping with sweat, that I couldn’t force myself to take a peek.

I couldn’t afford such a reaction in public. By my luck, I’d have passed out from shock or something.

But now that I was alone, I had no excuse not to read the file. I had to know the truth.

So sitting in that dark, cold room, all alone and as peaceful as I could be at a time like this, I opened the manilla folder and began to read.


12 April 2005
Starting Height: Five feet six inches. Starting Weight: One hundred thirty-five pounds.

Subject and brother (TJM) removed from St. peter’s Orphanage, Denville, NJ. Shows signs of early bone deterioration and Atrial Septal Defect (ASD). Will be taken into consideration prior to experimentation; medication has been ordered and will be administered shortly. Has a strong attachment to brother; are roomed together for time being. Seems to be at ease around small animals.

List of possible goals: Tennyo, Nephele, Titania, Jengu, Ala, Satyress


2 May 2005
Bone density found to be 30% lower than average, cause unknown. Brother separated from subject; abnormal amount of panic ensued. Sedative administered. Experimentation to commence in one week.

Final decision: Nephele, Cloud nymph.


14 July 2005
Subject’s brother unable to handle treatment; passed before complete transfusion of shark DNA could be made. Subject will remain unaware.

Blue Morpho skeletal wings attached to subject. Fibers not strong enough to lift subject. If made thicker, they will collapse under own weight. Subject to be put on four-day-cycle diet. Pattern is as follows- Day One: 300 calories; Day Two: 550 calories; Day Three: 0 calories; Day Four: 700 calories. Will be given vitamins to ensure proper levels are maintained.


29 August 2006
Current Weight: Ninety-five pounds

Subject has lost forty pounds in one and a half months. Still maintains healthy vitamin levels. Kept in darkened, soundproof room; goal for artificial albinism being implemented via this and daily injections of diluted, digestible bleach. Hair and iris pigmentation are successes.


20 October 2006
While on vacation, another scientist induced too much exertion on subject. Heart stopped for six minutes. Able to restart; too far into project to abandon. After further examination, kidney and liver failure are more evident.

Closer care must be given. Subject given three days to rest. Other scientist still employed, regrettably. Not of importance.


29 October 2006
Various tests administered: subject shown to be suffering from amenorrhea. Upon a full scan, infertility confirmed. Subject fallen into unpredicted depression. Will not eat or take medication. Completely unresponsive. Now begs to see brother. No information given.


5 November 2006
Current Weight: Eighty-three pounds
Subject slipped into coma. Not eaten in seven days. Dropped twelve pounds. Rushed to intensive care unit which, until this point, has remained mostly unused. Fed through tube at moment. Anticipated to make full recovery. Diet to be increased by 700 calories each day until fifteen pounds gained after she awakes.

Never will admit: Subject has grown on me. Torture to see her in pain. Can never let this leak. Fired for sure.

I didn’t sign up for this.


10 November 2006
Current Weight: Eighty-seven pounds
Subject force-fed antidepressants and has made full recovery. Barely recalls the event; traumatic. Treatment has halted. Nothing to be done for short while.


30 December 2006
Current Weight: Ninety-nine pounds
Experimentation began again today. Wings reinforced with combination of titanium and platinum. Good we have outside funding. Wings can now lift subject forty feet in air. Hair and eye pigments have lasted and are considered permanent. Skin, completely white.

Project Nephele is a success.


10 January 2007

Subject administered selective amnesic sedative and subjected to memory implantation. Successful. Sedative began to wear off upon entering Pennsylvania town. Not designated location, but I panicked. Left subject on side of street, wings wrapped around herself. Clever disguise.

As I pulled away, caught sight of her stirring and the three men eying her. Couldn’t stay. Will regret this later.

Pulled her out of treatment one year early. Couldn’t take it. Expect termination to come shortly.

I regret this. All of this. I wish for them to erase my memory before letting me go. Perhaps they will kill me. Either is fine.

-Christoph P. Williams, Ph.D.
