G'day and Welcome ta me World!

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Me name is Krory and I'm Krokorok! Yoos have entered me domain The Sand Pit. This is my new home for us humble desert goers! It's a real pleasure to meet yoos all. Oh and yep, I have a beaut accent, and Aussie one. I apologize if I come across scary, but I really am not. Even though I have a vase background in many thin's, such as the military, pirate, temptress, and so on, I just am a normal individual who enjoys the simple thin's of life! It really is nice ta meet yoos all and I hope I please yoo. I'm pretty laid back and well natured so feel free to roam my place. I don't mind just don't touch the clothes. Have a ripper day!

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Krory the Krokorok: The Military Fashionista
Krory's Profile
Krory's English Voice
Krory's Dictionary
How to Roleplay Krory
Pictures of Krory - Coming Soon

Look at the Kitty

Krory: G'Day blokes!!! Oh me bonzerness so maybe many of yoos know Xio? Aye? Stubborn, cold, arrogant, serious, and mean! I found his fair dinkum life self on the internet!! It's so bloody accurate and spot on!!! Haha! Why didn't I see this before!

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Am I right or am I right? *bursts into laughter*

Xio: Ha ha ha....you're so funny......*scowls and leaves*

Krory: Aye see! Perfect match!!! *grins and waves*

No Inspiration

Tell Afton why she needs ta post! Help inspire her because shelia has the idea of what she reckon' ta type but can't muster the energy to do it. COMMENT AND HELP HER >8D Mi goin' insane here!

Secret Santa: Wishlist (PGR)

I'll just put it in here since Krory's world needs a bit more jazz and visits...she feels left out!!! xD

Anyway here is my secret Santa Wish List, just ideas:


Draw Lux, Krory, and Xio together, Krory in the middle!!!
Draw Krory with Mist.
Draw Xio & Kiki.
Draw Krory vs Xio
Draw Krory flirtling with Lux.
Draw Lux and Xio.
Draw Lux with Arc sexy!!
Draw Lux being punished by Shupple!!
Draw Lux and Nyarth!
Draw Xio as a sexy playboy.
Draw Krory in a rockband!
Draw Lux as a butler!


Natsuki from Uta No Prince Sama
Ren from Uta No Prince Sama
Tokia from uta No Prince Sama
Shinji from Bleach
Amaimon from Blue Exorcist
Shizou from DRRR!!!
Kakashi from Naruto


-Inspirational, Comedy, Cryptic

Uta No Prince Sama
Blue Exorcist
Anything that is lovely for colors

THERE YOU GO!! Pretty simple!!! 8D Merry Christmas!!!

A Post

I will be posting in the next two days....I just have been very busy some things that have come up but I don't intend to wait for anyone any more xD

Krory's Dictionary

Hello Everyone!! :) For those of you who may not realize what Krory is saying, here is a below dictionary to help you better understand what some of the words she says mean. Some are very easy to understand and others are a bit different. This should help you better understand her character if you ever roleplay her since she has an Aussie accent. Some of her speech is intended to be wrong. This is a reference to help you and enjoy my crocodile gijinka!!!

*More words will be gradually added

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Aussie - English

  • Ace - excellent, very good
  • aryo - afternoon
  • Aye - Yes (first in a sentence or answer for a question)
  • aint - am not
  • beaut - beatiful
  • bloke - guy, boy
  • bloody - very (It's also a colloquialism - slang. It's a mild swear word, certainly no where near as strong as the F word.)
  • boozer - drunk, pub
  • bonzer - wonder, remarkable, good
  • bowl of rice, (not me) - not my cup of tea
  • dingbat - weirdo, someone eccentric
  • din-din - dinner
  • doodle - dick
  • drongo - idiot, fool, dimwit
  • earbashing - nagging
  • exy - expensive
  • flamin - stupid
  • fair dinkim - for real
  • furphy - false
  • G'day - Hello, Hi
  • give it a burl - give it a go, try it
  • hazza - has a
  • Holy Dooly! - Good Heavens, Oh my gosh!
  • hoon - idiot, fool
  • liddle - little
  • lollies - candies, candy
  • mate - friend, pal
  • me - my
  • mindin' - minding
  • mug - friendly insult
  • nah - no
  • naughty - sexual
  • nick = take, steal
  • oath - truth
  • oldies - parents
  • port - backpack, bag
  • rack off - bite me, get off, get lost
  • rapt - delighted
  • reckon - think, say
  • rellie - family member, relative
  • ripper - great, terrific
  • rock'n - rocking
  • sanger - sandwhich
  • sheila - girl, woman
  • sook - someone who is soft, tame
  • spewin - very angry
  • stuffed - tired (Feel), surprised (be)
  • ta - the
  • thin's - things
  • togs - clothes
  • tucker - food
  • whinge - complain, whine, gripe
  • yabber - talk to much
  • yakka - work
  • yep - yes
  • yoos - you