I'm a Hermit!

Mood: Slightly tired
Listening to: More Zelda!
Today's Word: Anti-social
Today's Video Game: Super Paper Mario


I was attacked by pirates again...

And I haven't finished Okamiden yet cuz I've been watching youtube all day...

I've left my room maybe four times today... -_-;

So I spilled juice all over my bed...But, unlike last time, where I got Pepsi all over the place, this was NOT MY FAULT. (My mom was mad at me anyway >///<) Somehow, my stupid pillow got attached to the lamp that's on the nightstand right next to me bed. So when I pulled on my pillow to straighten it, it knocked the lamp over, which knocked the juice over, which led to me, my pillow, my jacket, my sheets, and my marshmallow gun getting soaked with mango peach of death.

My mom brought up two copybooks today that I wrote in ages ago. One was just a collection of quotes and stuff, but it was one that I planned to fill with cut-outs of video game characters so now I'm back on that. The other had about a page and a half of a Super Paper Mario fanfic I wrote. GEEZ was it depressing... >///< It was a MimixDimentio thing, and it was Mimi's reaction to the final boss battle, and it was sad...I'm surprised I wrote something that depressing...

...Then again, some of our rps lately... ^^;

I HATE SUPER PAPER MARIO but the characters and the story are great! It was just the rest of the game that ticked me off! That deserves a full-out rant that maybe I'll post someday... But now I'm in a Super Paper Mario mood...God, I love Dimentio. So much. <3 He reminds me of Iago...

Anyways, off to continue cutting video game characters out of magazines! Tata~!

