History / Background


On the planet called Tasmurene...

Hundreds of years ago, the land was filled with hardworking humans and fierce but loyal magical creatures (Pokemon, really, but in this story they are just referred to as 'beasts' and 'animals'). Scattered villages, holds, towns, hamlets, and castles were established and dotted the otherwise harsh countryside. Humans were eventually able to domesticate many of the beasts for consumption, their aid in manual labor, and companionship. These creatures possessed unique powers, and many people sought to harness that power.

We are taken now to the country of Angrova. A few furtive witchdoctors and sorcerers managed to use their makeshift, primitive 'magic' to combine the otherworldly powers of the beasts with the intelligence of humans. Thus, the first hybrids were created, and the name 'halfling' was given to this entirely new species.

These halflings grew up and, with the encouragement of the wizards who made them, tried to fit in with normal human society. Unfortunately they were vastly different from humans, and the humans grew wary and fearful of their strange looks and abilities..Misunderstandings and accidents happened, and many of the halflings did a lot of damage. The humans were fed up. They cast some of the halflings out of their towns and cities, doomed to live in the unforgiving wild, and the others were taken into slavery.

For three generations, the dejected halfling slaves were treated like filth and worked to the bone, their spirits broken beyond repair. Strict guidelines and harsh rules were put into place by the slaveowners to ensure that they would never attack humans. Nearly half a century passed, and the halflings eventually grew meek, miserable in their condition but with no will to fight back.

The ones who were lucky enough to be banished to the wild collected together and eventually formed crude villages and hamlets. They made sure to keep little to no contact with the humans they so despised. Some even decided to migrate to the neighboring country of Camése, looking for a fresh start.

Now, this was the first time any of the Camésians had seen a halfling, and took time to recover from the surprise. After much deliberation, they cautiously let the banished halflings in. The halflings, of course, had an uneasy reception - they were widely viewed as monsters, freaks - but the Kings had decreed them welcome citizens. A watchful eye was kept on them, though, for even with the kings' acceptance, it took nearly 50 years for halflings to be accepted as equals in society. Slowly, opinions changed, equalization movements happened, and eventually Camése had near-equal numbers of halfling and human citizens. Some were even elected to positions of power.

Back in Angrova, as the enslaved halflings grew in number, so did their fury and resentment. Eventually the younger generation of enslaved halflings revolted, took control of their city, and massacred not only the slave owners but most of the innocent citizens as well.

The bloodshed did not stop there.

These halflings continued on to each village, castle, and hold in the region and sought out as many humans as they could find. They murdered as many as they could get their hands on, believing in their hearts that all humans were evil, they did not deserve to live. They were pathetic, inferior species as far as the halflings were concerned. Humans quickly learned to hide in terror from halflings, shutting themselves in heavily fortified houses and deep into dark, musty caves.

The tides had turned completely around, and the hunters became the hunted. The next five years dragged on in this manner, and the number of humans dwindled dangerously close to extinction. The halflings that chose not to take part in vengeance tried to live out their lives as peacefully as possible. However, the recklessness of the halflings led to a completely destroyed country. The halflings did not realize that they lacked the know-how to replentish and ration resources like fish, trees, and water. The humans had known how to do that, but they were all gone now. Forests burnt to a crisp, towns reduced to rubble, and the resources needed to live depleted to nothing within 40 years.

Camése had been enjoying more than 50 years of a kind of 'peace'. Humans and halflings coexisted well, for the most part. A few scattered fights, nothing a wise Lord or other ruler couldn't settle. And then more immigrants from Angrova started arriving.

Over the next 10 years, most of the populace from the now-destroyed Angrova trickled in, pleading to take refuge since they were now starving and homeless. When they arrived, however, they were more than surprised to see humans inhabiting Camése, living in harmony with halflings. Of course, some of the more level-headed Angrovians realized they had to set aside their differences in order to survive. But since all of the halflings grew up either enslaved or hearing tales of humans, it was difficult for many to accept the change.

Tensions between ex-Angrovians and Camésians continued to escalate. More skirmishes took place over the next 3 years, mainly ex-Angrovians starting them.


This takes us to the present day. The initial massacring took place more than 55 years ago. Most of the rebels have died of old age or other complications. Their children and grandchildren live on in Camése, in an uneasy truce with the humans. Every man, woman, and child knows the story of what happened in Angrova, though.

Cities and villages are pretty equal in numbers of humans and halflings. The ruling positions and upper class are made up of a mix of the two. Within this present year, there have been sudden isolated attacks on humans, and it is unclear who is the culprit. Tensions are high, and these attacks could spark a sudden civil war. The kings and lords of the cities have received word of these assaults, and they plan to do something about it.

This is where our story begins.
