Ayla Haste and Chirp

Name: Ayla Haste
Gender: female
Age: 14
Height/Weight: 5' slim
Hair style/color: brown, fairly long, always wears a cute hat
Eye color: brown
Orientation: strait
Personality: very kind and loving, loves all animals and has several pets
Clothing (on daily bases): Dresses and skirts mostly. (I love the outfit in the pic)
Weapon: none
Element: air
Past: Until two years ago Ayla was Aligned. One day she saw guards attack Charlie. Not under standing why the guards did it, Ayla had her PET, Chirp, save Charlie. Charlie knew leaving Ayla there would put her in danger with The Government, so she took Ayla with her. She now considers Ayla to be a younger sister.
Friends: Charlie Rose
Enemies: none
Mate: none
Fighting style: Ayla does not fight, even in the face of danger. She heals people.
Player: inuyashadorky
Alignment: Un-Aligned

PET form

Name: Chirp
Gender: female
Race: Canary
Size: small
Main color: Yellow frosted
Eye color: black
Personality: friendly, calm
Power: healing through song
Element: water
Fighting style: doesn't fight
