Aaron Page

Name: Aaron Page
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height/Weight: Tall, slim
Hair style/color: dark brown
Eye color: blue
Orieantation: straight
Personality: commanding, leader, level headed, can be cold
Clothing (on daily bases): When working: nice suits, During free time: nice slacks and shirts
Weapon: a small hand gun
Element: earth
Past: Aaron's father is a Government Offical. He grew up with a better education and was pampered. Aaron wants to follow in his fathers foot steps, and work for the government.
Friends: Jake Den
Enemies: Unalighned radicals
Mate: none
Fighting style: He doesn't really fight. He relies on his body guards.
Player: inuyashadorky
Aligned, or Un-Aligned: Aligned

PET form

Name: Bandit
Gender: Male
Race: Black footed ferret
Size: about 18in
Main color: off white, and black
Eye color: black
Personality: Mischivious, fun loving
Power: he can hide without being detected
Element: fire
Fighting style: he really doesn't fight. He's more of a spy.
