Breaking the Fourth Meme

And for a fourth round, tagged by Ace.

1: What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

I don't know. *flung off the bridge*

2: Who's your favorite PERSON?

Real or fictional? Fictional: The Doctor. Real: Oh heck, idk... I'll say my grandma.

3: What was your favorite dress-up/Halloween/cosplay costume?

I dressed up as the Fouth Doctor a lot as a kid, but my favorite would have to be the year I did Sherlock Holmes.

4: What was your favorite TV show as a child?

I watched a lot of TV, but I'll single out The Muppet Show, because Jim Henson rules.

5: What is your current favorite TV show?

I'd normally say Doctor Who, but this time I'll say MythBusters, because I can watch any episode anytime.

6: What is your favorite PIXAR movie?

Looking at the list of Pixar films, I realize I haven't seen most of them. I'll go with Toy Story.

7: Do you think that Jar-Jar Binks ruined everything out of his own sheer stupidity or did he have actual malicious intent?

Sheer stupidity.

8: Do you expect the Spanish Inquisition?

Not when their chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear. Surprise, fear, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope...

9: What's your favorite flavor of cake? "Pie" is not a cake.

I like lemon cake.

10: What's the coolest piece of nerd swag you own and why does it mean so much to you?

I like my nerd swag, but I don't think there's one piece I love above all else, although I enjoy wearing my Doctor-and-Amy-peeking-through-the-Crack shirt.

11: Who is the greatest villain of all time, from any piece of fiction you've ever enjoyed?

Probably Davros from Doctor Who, because he's the ultimate mad scientist. How can you get any more evil than creating the Daleks, who's sole reason to live is to destroy all other life?

No more tags. I'm done. :V
