Hello! This is my World...Here is where I will post my thoughts and stuff like that!!! If anything is labled a "Rant" thats what it is me going on and on about somthing I love or hate!!!!

Find me elsewhere on the net!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solongdreamworld
Pm me for my DA!

If you drop me a pm on DA or youtube letting me know you're from TheO I will absolutely make sure to connect to you!!!

Help for a Reward..?

Sorry I've been so absent! I still check TheO every day and I've still been looking at wallies and reading posts… I've just been too busy (and I admit sometimes too lazy) to do anything.
I've been working, and doing other random life things. (Like turning 24, my friends getting married, bank drama, maybe moving, blah blah blah adult stuff)
I plan to start commenting more often and trying to post more often as well.


I've also been getting ready for my annual amv making frenzy!!! As some of you may know I like entering amv contests at conventions! This year I plan to enter Fanime and AX (anime expo) and maaaaybe Sacanime in the late summer depending.
Anyways I need some help… I oringally made this amv just for fun… but one of my friends says I should use it as one of my submissions… I think it's too obscure a series to play well at a con, but I am proud of it. So if anyones interested, and has some time, give it a watch and let me know what ya think! (I'll make you a thank you gift!!!) XD

I know I've mentioned it before, but if you sub me on YouTube and let me know you're from TheO I will 100% sub you back!!!

