Hello! This is my World...Here is where I will post my thoughts and stuff like that!!! If anything is labled a "Rant" thats what it is me going on and on about somthing I love or hate!!!!

Find me elsewhere on the net!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solongdreamworld
Pm me for my DA!

If you drop me a pm on DA or youtube letting me know you're from TheO I will absolutely make sure to connect to you!!!

Playing My First Video Game

Hey all!

First off sorry I haven't updated my review world in so long life got hectic and I just haven't had the time to reread or watch anything so I can write about it… But I shall be fixing this soon I promise!

But now for the main news!
I realized about 4 months ago that despite my love of video games I had never played one by myself… I usually just watch other people play. I failed at my one attempt to play Zelda Twilight Princess (I didn't even make it out of the first town), I couldn't even get Nemo to swim in a straight line in the Finding Nemo game, and I am well know among friends for being a terrible gamer. But darn it! I just love the stories and the bits of violence and the excitement games can give!

To the point, I bought a game and I have been playing it.
My goal is to play the entire game through with no help, spoilers or cheats. Its been very difficult for me. >.> graaah! Why are there so few health potions?!? I wish I was lying when I say this but… I literally spent an entire hour walking in circles because I kept missing the turn I needed to take… and I spent three freaking hours trying to defend a city from darkspawn and had to actually go back to a previous save, because apparently I missed all the things I was supposed to do in the city. -_- Which included recruiting every bloody person I could find to fight because evidently they all locked themselves indoors like cowards… Come on! You'll die if you don't freaking help out! You gonna die inside? or die die trying to live??

Anyhoo I wanted to share. ^-^ By the way the game I'm playing is Dragon Age Origins and it is really fun!
I'll probably talk more about it some time.
But for now just mentally send me you're gaming powers so I can somehow beat this game!

External Image

7 Years on TheO! (Oh and foxes)

Woot! I've now been on this site for a long long time!!!

But really I'm posting to share this amazing song... Trust me you shall not be disappointed!
Maybe you've even heard it before, but if not you simply MUST!!!

Anyways discover the answer to a most mysterious question! lol
(also great stress relief since I'm freaking out over an interview...)

I Colored Again...

Hahaha Anyone sick of my coloring yet?
lol I wouldn't be surprised if people were... It seems like thats all I do...
But I LOVE it soooooooo much! Its fuuuuun!!!

So yeah beneath is the video of this wallpaper

Check it out! http://www.theotaku.com/wallpapers/view/227850/toxic
This was a much faster coloring than the last video I shared. This one was only about... an hour or so total.
From a series I love Akumetsu! Bloody, political, economy goodness! And incidentally was the manga that got me really interested in politics, yes thats right I have manga to thank for my desire to educate myself. lol

In other news...
Nothing really... I can't think of anything... I am dead tired and should really be asleep right now...
Forgive my many typos I am sure this has...

Tomorrow I think I'm gunna go texture hunting with my camera so that should be interesting.
