Hello! This is my World...Here is where I will post my thoughts and stuff like that!!! If anything is labled a "Rant" thats what it is me going on and on about somthing I love or hate!!!!

Find me elsewhere on the net!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solongdreamworld
Pm me for my DA!

If you drop me a pm on DA or youtube letting me know you're from TheO I will absolutely make sure to connect to you!!!

Rant of the Rants

This rant is to show you what a rant is...
That means randomness galore...
I usually try to make them funny...Sometimes I actually do...
When that happens I am in shock and faint dead away.
They are informal with bad spelling and sometimes slang...So please forgive me.
I can't spell to save my life and I type really really slooooooow

Oh and I am obsessed with Vampire Hunter D and It'll come up every now and then...

I really can't think of anything cool or fun to say...



One day I hope to know what to say at times like these...

So heres a list!!! YAY for lists!!!

Weirdest things that have happened to me...(all thes really happened...scary...)

Almost sacrificed to some demon god...(It was 6-6-06) I was frighted as some stranger pulled me away...Then my friend rescued me!!!

Was attacked by a chicken in a parking lot(It jumped at me from a tree...)

Was chased down a dead end street by a dog and a weird women.

Was served REFRIGERATED ice cream (Do you know how gross that is? It was moldy andmelted and expired and my old crazy lair lady [my aunt] was giving me the death glare to eat it...)

I was sitting at a public computer taking stupid online quizes when out of know where I hear this voice in my ear "Take that one!!!! I want to take that one!!!! Click on it! Click on it!!!!!!" So I did. She took the quiz through me...We're friends now. I call her Girl-Who-Stares-Over-Shoulder.

Was stranded for 4 hours in a rain forest...Miles form a town...During hunting season...In wild boar land...

Did you know that geckos make sounds? Neither did I...The squeek...very loudly they squeek...Then they fall on your head while your sleeping...and hide in you shoes...and all the while they squeek...

Yup. Thats all I can think of. Thats what a Rants like. There'll be good days and bad days...

