Wallpapers- Text

External Image

So, this tutorial is on the text of a wallpaper!

Now, there are many parts to the text on a wallpaper. How do you choose the words? How do you get it to match with the wallpaper's picture? How can you let the words be seen clearly?

I'll start off with choosing words. Look at your image. What kinds of themes match with it? Friendship? Bravery? Loneliness? Wishful? Once you've got one, you can go onto google, type in "__(theme)__ quotes". You can choose a quote from there. If you don't want to use a quote and instead use your own words, you can think of them yourself or try to tell a short story within 2 lines. For example, if it's on bravery, it can be like "Sword lifted high, standing strong. I stand for my country, I stand for myself." Think of it like a short poem.

Then, matching the text to the image. Is your image one that looks graceful? Choose a font that's not too loopy and looks like simple calligraphy. Is your image one that's showing war? I'd suggest the font "Cracked" if you have it. Match the font to the image's personality. It'll make the text look like it matches. NEVER use fonts that you'd use to write essays. You're creating a piece of art- not an essay. In other words, don't use fonts like "Times New Roman" or similar ones. If your wallpaper's theme is somehow related to strength, I suggest having at least some part of the text be bolded.

How to choose the color of the text? Think of your wallpaper's color scheme. If it's a dark shade of a color, choose a light shade of that same color (or white). If it's a light shade of a color, choose a dark shade of that color. Let's say your image has many colors. Just choose one from the whole mix. You can make it darker or lighter, depending on what I said above. It can be hard to be seen, but that can easily be fixed with a rectangular box behind the text or having an outline around the text (there will be a future tutorial on how to do this. for now, refer to my other wallpapers to see how it looks like).

*Note: If you're making a box behind the text, have it be a bit faint in color, or fade out for if you don't, that box will attract a person's attention instead of the wallpaper overall.

Another great way of learning texts is to observe how other people mix two or more fonts together on one wallpaper. I do this often and it creates a cool effect. Overlapping texts is also a common technique. If you do this though, the text in the back must be bolder, larger, and of a darker color than the text in front.

Quick summary:
[x] When choosing words, you can search up quotes on Google or think up of a short story in the format of 2 lines, poem styled.
[x] When matching text to the image, have it fit the personality of whatever is going on in the image. Don't let the text be too big. The amount of attention attracted to the text should equal the amount of attention attracted to the image.
[x] Have the color match at least one color in the image. To make the text easier to be seen, have an outline around the text or a thin box behind the text.
[x] Observe other wallpaper's technique of combining 2 or more fonts on one wallpaper. It'll help increase your skill.
