The first time

The last day of school, Tuesday, my friend had told me that a kid in my class (who I thought of as a friend)hated me only because I was friends with her.

This was the first time I heard of this.

Tell you the truth I was sad.

She told me about when she had talked to him about who to get lollipops for. He asked her if he was forgetting somebody she said my name. He said no I don't like that person.

So me and another girl didn't get a lollipop that day. He even got the most hated kid in class one.

Then he had the nerve to lie about it to me too.

I want to get on his case about it but I know I shouldn't so I didn't say anything about it to him.

I found it rude and stupid to hate me just because I was friends with his ex.

He told her " I don't understand why (name) is still friends with you. Your such a bad influence. I hope she realizes this and joins us."

When she told me this I bursted out laughing.
I said, "I know you're a bad influence but that's why your my friend! Who was the us in that sentence?"

She didn't know because I was friends with his friends. He was only doing this to me and my friend because he wanted to impress a girl.

She has gotten better and I had stopped her many times from doing the wrong thing.

She also is a great friend so I don't see the problem here.

