Legolas: My new IDK Obsession? Dedication?

So I've never seen The lord of the rings. Only pictures.
I've read the hobbit and watched it last night.
Tomorrow I will watch the lord of the rings with my dad.
Bonding time!

I've known about the characters. Thats good.
Never read the books though so I'm a tiny bit lost.

Anywho. I had to double check on names. I figured the elf in the picture was Legolas but I had to check cuz you know, I have a crazy thing for elves in movies.
I silently freaked out over the elf King when he appeared in the beginning of the hobbit.

Any who... now I caught myself with the help of shayshay (shaymingirl, 500 brownie points for anyone who calls her that)looking up his pictures.

Hes just well...

Hes just so perfect! (all i have to do now is actually figure out his personality before I go too crazy)
