Notebook Doodles

Idk why I've been drawing on lined notebook paper so much these past couple weeks, but I have;; I posted all of these to tumblr, so I thought I'd put them here too! they're super sloppy though, sorry. -u-/ Also I'm too lazy to censor any rude dialogue, so NOTE THAT THERE WILL BE SWEARING.... basically from Lafayette.

I'm gonna split this post into separate pages. Here's how it's organized:

  • Page 1: this weird intro I'm doing right now.
  • Page 2: Some doodles of Gabe.
  • Page 3: Some doodles of Laf and Dmitri.
  • Page 4: Some doodles of Junkrat and Roadhog (from Overwatch).

YEP. Thanks for reading if you do!