Words Just Don't Like You

Something very disturbing has just happened. Apparently there are too many chapters of Bleach for Wikipedia to be bothered about keeping them all on file. They now only list the first 4 chapters of each volume. Because, you know, those extra 4 lines of text were breaking their server and were the sole cause of their new desire for donations. Which means that I now must return to the practice of pulling out the tankobon one by one to find the title I want for my posts. めんどくせええ........

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We dressed up for Halloween & went out in Tokyo. I guess that was a while ago now....I got kinda busy w/Comiket the next day & then right back to work. Nothing too crazy has been happeneing, I'm sure it's just the cold weather that makes me think I'm exhausted all the time. I was trying to be strong against the cold this year by doing things like not using the heater until Dec. 1st (fail) get out my winter clothes in stages (partial fail) & keep the doors off my room till Jan. 1st (epic fail). The heat & the doors both came last weekend, & while I've been slowly working the clothes in & out of boxes it's more out of laziness than actually not needing them. (I know there's a real word for that somewhere....non-need.....)

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I forgot how to talk the other day. Like, I couldn't string words together that made sense. I thought it was just my Japanese was lapsing at first, from too much practice without actual study, but then I noticed it was happening in English too. We sometimes like to blame this on disuse (non-need?) due to living in a non-English speaking country, but.....I didn't think that was it. I tried to explain it to a couple of friends in the car later that week, but they didn't get it. Probably b/c I couldn't say it right.

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There's a girl at my office who said some really mean things about cosplayers the other day. I'd like to think she didn't know how insulting she was being b/c I don't think she's very smart. But maybe I'm wrong. I'd also like to think that I'm smart enough to not be upset by it, but.....well, it's not like it's a new feeling.

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....this is how she might look when she's a bit older...maybe...less with the wanting to be innocent face....

There's another girl who was asking me a lot of weird questions about myself the other day, under the pretext that she, "just doesn't know very much about me." I didn't like it. It wasn't like I had anything to hide, I answered. It was just weird. And when, in the process of explaining I-can't-remember-what, I told her, "well if you think people are going to be mean to you you tend to be kinda quiet." a few things started to make sense again.

Things that you're able to remember don't necessarily bring happiness...
