Kingdom Hearts: The Next Three Games

Since Birth by Sleep is mostly over and done with there's been a lot of news flowing in about what's going to happen next in the Kingdom Hearts series. There's a lot of information here so let's dig in!

According to Nomura:

  • There are two side games and Kingdom Hearts III in development
  • Apparently KH III depends on Final Fantasy XIII Versus, most likely meaning that full on development won't start until that game is finished. Chances are KHIII will be made by the same team as FFXIIIV.
  • One of the side games might come out in 2010?!
  • The other side game is supposed to have "multiple main characters"
  • Kingdom Hearts III isn't the end of the series but it will be the end of the "Xehanort Saga".
  • Sora is and will always be the main character, his story is not ending.

OMFAGLJADGLAJ! Had to get that out first of all. Okay so... new game in 2010 will probably be on the smaller side. We haven't seen anything from that game so it'll probably be a cell phone game or something on the little side. The second side game I have no idea what that will be about. Haven't we filled in most of the gaps in between the games? It supposed to have main characters so maybe a Riku game? As for KH III... I'm mostly curious about what else Xehanort has up his sleeve. He's been a Heartless (Ansem) and a Nobody (Xemnas) so what else is there? So... there will most likely be ANOTHER new set of baddies in KH XIII. Or maybe the Unversed will make an appearance in a main game (they're from BBS).

Lots of info to process, tell me you theories! I love hear to 'em!
