Welcome to the Anime Walk of Fame, a series of retrospectives on the many characters of the anime world. You'll see all your favorites along with a few that deserve more than their reputations give.

So sit back relax and enjoy the show.

Maple's Game Breaking is No Different to Real Life

One of my favourite anime over the last year is Bofuri, an anime about a girl who becomes invincible in her online game through a desire not to get hurt essentially making her a walking tank.

Through her wide eyed discovery, she acquires an unbreakable shield, a monster she can call on command to devour enemies with poison, a rideable animal that is not only strong but can fly past most enemies along with additional abilities she picks up making her pretty much the god tier character.
But how anyone gets there in real life is basically the same way Maple did in Bofuri, you experiment until you perfect the game you're playing.
Any speedrunner will tell you that glitch exploiting is usually discovered by accident at first but then becomes the tool of choice for the runners; the reason why Street Fighter II has so many ports is because one clever gamer discovered a glitch that accidentally invented combos in fighting games and they ended up building on it further. Pokemon is no different as speedrunners can glitch the game to the end without even catching a Pokemon. You can also picture the look on the gamers face when the backwards long jump in Mario 64 was discovered.
So to all the gamers, Maple is your official waifu.
