Here is where I'll be taking Wallpaper requests.
That includes iPhone and iPad wallpaper requests too! c:
- Created By Mistress Amoranta
Taking requests again
Just wanted to say that I'm taking requests again! Just drop off a name of a character/person and the anime/band/movie/T.V. Show they're from or just a general genre in the comments or private message me and I'll do what I can and when I can.
I'm still taking requests~!
Now taking Wallpaper Requests!
I'm taking Wallie requests! Yay > u <
That means, iPhone and iPad wallpaper requests, too!
Just post your requests in the comments, preferably with you're favorite anime and character, or just a general genre. I'll get to it when I can!
Soon, I'll be taking requests for Wallpapers.
When I finish this last wallpaper for a Challenge Winner. > u <