Name: Kale Tebet
Age: Looks to be about 18.
Gender: Male
Race: Angel
Hair color/style: Blonde, shaggy hair
Eyes: Original- Silver, almost white
Now- Green.
Markings/tatoos: None.
Appearance(s): 6'4" 188 lbs. Pretty toned. Has olive colored skin.
Likes to wear baggy jeans and muscle shirts.
Orientation: Bi
Crush/Love: Open.
Family: There are a select handful of Angels that Kale considers close enough to be family.
Background: Wanting to get and see what the world had to offer, Kale decided to sign up for the recruits and see where that took him. He is rather skilled in combat, so he thought he'd be good at it.
Personality: Friendly, loyal, and kind. He can be a bit cocky, however, and stubborn. Doesn't take help from others very easily.
Touch: No
Who they know: None.
Elemental Affinity: Water
Powers: Kind of like Avatar the Last Airbender. He can move water in that way and use it much the same.
What humans know about you: None.