Movie Sign #162 - Stranded in Space

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What is Movie Sign?
A weekly Chat event that occurs every Sunday night wherein we watch an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K for short) while joking and spamming up the Chat box. We make episodes available by whatever means so we can all watch simultaneously.

What's MST3K?
Ever watched a movie and made your own commentary to it? That's what this show is all about. MST3K is a comedy show from the '90s in which a guy and two robots are forced to watch terrible movies because a mad scientist wants to take over the world. To keep their sanity, they talk back and riff on the movies. A more detailed explanation can be found up at the SoL.

Next Episode
Yeah, I goofed. Like many before it, this feature is a dimly lit, muddy, made for TV movie filmed in the 70s. Our hero is an astronaut who gets implausibly lost and ends up on a mirror image earth called "Terra" that is on the opposite side of the sun. An evil government is involved, which is how it should be.

Whether a seasoned vet or new meat, we invite you all to come on down! Movie starts at 8pm EST/5pm PST, room opens at the :30 beforehand.

The password for the room is warde. Get the whole thing, streaming, here.

What you call Sunday night, we call home.
3/18 - Episode 909 - Gorgo
3/25 - Episode 205 - Rocket Attack USA (w/short "The Phantom Creeps" Episode 2)
