Movie Sign #1 - Prince Of Space

Join us - TimeChaser, Katana, and Shinmaru - for the first official Movie Sign on theOtaku Chatroom.

What is Movie Sign?
Each week, we will chat while watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Come on in and join the fun if you're already an MST fan, or if you've heard of it and are just curious.

This Sunday, we'll be watching Episode 816 - Prince of Space. It's a black & white Japanese scifi film about a rather moronic invasion attempt by the inhabitants of the planet Krankor (who all look kind of like chicken men). The Earth is defended by the heroic Prince of Space, who seems pretty impervious to everything thrown at him. Mike Nelson and the bots provide some of their best-ever riffing.

The show starts at 8 PM EST. We will open the chatroom at 7:30.

If you don't know what MST3K is all about, drop by the Satellite of Love for a quick primer.
