Fun Times In Florida

Hey look, it's me posting and it's not YouTube for once. This one needs to be shared for the gamers out there:

Jack Thompson has officially been disbarred permanently from practicing law in the state of Florida.

Jack Thompson, the former Florida lawyer famous for his long, primate-feces insane crusade against violent video games, has been sent to pasture by the Florida Bar due to all manner of things from gross unprofessional conduct to just never knowing when to stop talking himself into a hole.

If you'd like to know more about this silly man and how everything he has ever said in the history of the world has been both a source of fun and annoyance, I'd recommend a google.

For now, though, web news shall do. Now I first heard about this over at The Escapist, but like always my gaming news info goes back to Kotaku for the rest . . . including a damn funny Twitter game.

Here are my tries:

  • Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can never bench-press with free weights ever again.
  • Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he can't even sustain a guitar chord.
  • Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he needs a new lower spine.
  • Jack Thompson is so disbarred that his cell phone lost signal.

All together now: "bwahahaha!"
