It's been awhile...

Haven't posted a blog post for awhile and figured I'd update my liiife.

I didn't get the job at JCPenny. owell...Just gotta keep trying.
not gonna let it bring me down.
especially since I'm in college which is awesome enough :)
Had orientation and my first class last saturday and it was GREAT!
loooved it.
got my art kit and also got my school ID which is soooo cool :3
I'm officialy a student :)
so so happy.
uhm what else...
been busy a lot..with various things.
since mom left I've had so much more responsibilty.
I've actually cried a few times because I miss my mom horribly.
I talk to her almost everyday but I want to physically see her and when i do, I'm gonna glomp her.
I love and miss my mom a lot <3
Getting my drivers license soon. I can actually go down there anytime but my dad doesn't think I'm quite ready...and I actually agree.
Haven't even went near the freeways yet. Q.Q scary.
and this world is getting a makeover soon.
And I also haven't updated my mp3 list in my random stuff world.
I've added SOOO many new songs...the thought of typing them all out tires me out. lol
can't think of anything else to I'm off
