Kaira Valentine

Name/Nickname: Kaira Valentine
Title: assassin
Boy/Girl: girl

Power(s): floating, shape shifting, controlling dark energy
Spell Cards: (ダークカノン, dark canon)

Race: zombie

Occupation: guardian of the scarlet devils

Hair: silver, long when ironed, short when curled
Height: 5'7''
Weight: n/a
Basic Outfit: a dark reddish black cloak buttoned the middle. a red blouse cut up to cover her breast, shorts, and leggings on on leg and socks on the other, flats sandles.

Personality: really nice, fun, and active, if you get on get bad side she will consider you an enemy immediately
Favorites/Dislikes: likes sweets, her mother, cute things, fighting, boys,and friends. dislikes sour things, her father,monsters,being lazy,snobs, and ducks
Other: nothing more than that.

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