Finished Prologue! ^_^

Finally! *breathes* I finished the intro to the comic. Actually, the script and the drawings turned out a bit different. In the script I made, I made it a little bit longer. However, I saw that I needed to shorten it for the drawing portion. Otherwise, the intro would've seemed like a regular chapter. And it was pretty long either way.

For all those who are really interested in knowing the regular script, it goes something like this. Please read if you're interested in knowing the rough draft, otherwise, don't even look. This portion might seem boring. You just might fall asleep 'cause of all the words. And I've never posted a written story up like this. Some actions I would've loved to include, but didn't have the space. Bonk me on the head for leaving things out.... oh well..

Thoughts will be written like this--- 'Thought speech here'

Scene of Naraku defeated. Everyone's tired. The dust clears, no Naraku. Shippo shouts for joy, and the others join in. Rin & Jaken grab hands and hop up and down in circles. A hand grabs the complete jewel. Kagome smiles to Inuyasha. Inuyasha smiles back. Kagome looks up and around.

Kagome: 'It's finally over...'
She looks to Inuyasha and Kikyo.
Sango: "So what are you going to wish for, Kagome?"
Kagome looks at the jewel in her hand. She looks back at the pair and smiles at Inuyasha, facing him.
Kagome: "Inuyasha..."
She wraps her hand on the jewel and closes her eyes as in prayer. Opens hands, jewel floats up and light passes through all feudal japan. All is silent. Shippo jumps into Kagome's arms.
Shippo: "What'd you wish for?
Kagome opens her mouth when Kikyo faints.
Inuyasha: "Kikyo?"
Inuyasha goes to her side. A wind starts blowing through the trees. Sesshomaru glares at the ambience.
Sesshomaru: "Girl..."
Kagome looks, but gasps. Shippo jumps out of her arms--"What's happening?"
Miroku: "Kagome?"
Kagome is being lifted off her feet.
Kagome: "AAAAAhhhh!!!"---as she is being pulled back.
Inuyasha: (gasps) "Kagome!!!"
Sango,Miroku,Shippo: "Kagome!!!"
They all run after her.
Jaken: "M'lord?"
Sesshomaru: "..."
Kagome: 'No! Stop! Why is this happening!?' 'Inuyasha!'
She sees as Inuyasha runs towards her.
Inuyasha: "Kagome!"
Out of the well vines come out at rapid speed.
Inuyasha: 'What!?'
The vines start wrapping around Kagome.
Kagome: "Uuugggghhh!"
Inuyasha takes out Tetsuiga. He sees as Kagome reaches towards him as the vines wrap around Kagome's whole body.
Inuyasha: (realization) "No...!"
Then Kagome is sucked into the well. He runs and jumps in the well, but hits dirt.
Inuyasha: "No..."--as he digs. "Kagome." He scrunches his face in pain. The others finally reach the location shouting for Kagome...

The End
