when will you reallySMILE.

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so lately i've been realizing just how many people fake smiles.

to get through life.

to hide their feelings.

so they won't need to talk to anyone.

because they have no one to talk to.

they feel as if no one cares anyway.

they don't want others upset.

and many, many other reasons.

on a personal level, i do this a lot too. if i'm ever upset, no one would ever know, because i don't want people worrying about me. i don't want to ruin their day. so i'm happy. usually it's genuine, but i have my moments where i'm going through things, yet telling someone isn't an option, or i just don't want to. so i fake a smile. people who see me, they see me as a happy girl with no troubles in the world.

but that's not true, because every single person in the world has troubles of their own.

what makes us different from each other is if we take it out on the world or not.

will we make other lives hell because of what we're going through? yell and scream at the ones who are only trying to help? hurting yourself and not realizing what you are slowly doing?

or will we be strong? let life push you down, but get right back up? be there for anyone and everyone who is having difficulties with life? believing in yourself that you can get through this?

will you hide behind that fake smile, or will you conquer each obstacle in life and show the world your real smile?

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