Crab - Head Yusei VS Prawn - Fringe Yugi

Judai can't sit still at home so have begged Yugi and Yusei continuously to go out with him...just to have fun...

Judai : OOOO LOOK! There's a cute fishing shop over there! Let's go! *runs off*
Yugi : Judai - kun wait up!!!
Yusei : *sighs*

- Fishing shop -

Judai : Wow! Fishes everywhere! Even a pond for prawns!
Yugi : Didn't know there's a fishing shop nearby... go figure.
Yusei : Me too.
Shop owner : The shop just open today haha. Here you can buy any fishing items or fish for fishes, prawns and crabs.
Yugi : There's crabs too?
Shop owner : Yup. Once you catch them, you can bring them home. Hmm... since you boys.. sorry Duelists, not to mention legendary haha, have drop by, you three are free to fish here anytime. Here you go and have fun!
Judai : Sweet! Let's fish!
Yugi : Hmm looks fun to try something new huh Yusei?
Yusei : *stares at fishing pole* What should I do with this thing?
Yugi : *sighs* Don't tell me you didn't see one before?
Judai : Here I show you. Put some bait on the hook and throw in the water. It's easy. C'mon let's start fishing already!

- Judai and Yusei are sitting and waiting for bites, Yugi on the other hand, keep pulling in prawns -

Judai : Wow Yugi - san! That's sure are a lot pf prawns you get.
Yusei : Yeah. Don't ya catch any thing else besides prawns?
Yugi : *sighs* I don't even know why I keep getting them in my line... although I actually want a fish to bite.

- Yusei's got a bite moments later and pulls it in -

Yusei : ..... *stares at the bite he got*
Yugi : Cool you got a crab.
Judai : Yeah! *line shaking and pulls in* Sweet got a fish!

- 5 minutes later, Yusei caught 4 more crabs...lucky him huh? -

Yusei : .... *stares at all the crabs crawling*
Yugi : Looks to me the crabs like you.
Judai : Yeah.. or more like.."love" you heh heh.
Yusei : "love" me?
Judai : Heh heh yeah. Its like as though they attract to you Yusei.. Or should I call you.."Crab-head Yusei". HAHAHHAHAHAHA!
Yugi : *couldn't hold back from laughing* Hahahahahaha ~
Yugi : Haha it does look like one. See? *holds up one of the crabs*
Judai : HAHAHAHA nice one Yugi -san!

Atemu : You started to get wicked Aibou. It's not like you. Although.. I love what you did haha. Really funny.
Yugi : Maybe because of you I guess haha. Although I feel so good about it than hating it... haha making fun of people.
Atemu : *gives wicked smile* Heh heh make more Aibou.

Yusei : Grrrr...
Judai : Hahaha Crab - head Yusei! Hahahaha ~
Yugi : Hahaha. W-wait a minute Judai - kun, if Yusei is Crab - Head Yusei, don't that make these crabs his friends?

- Silence -

Judai & Yugi : *burst into laughter* HAHAHAHAHA!
Yusei : *Clench his fists* GRRRRR!!!!
Judai : Hahaha hey crabs, you guys have a blue friend here and his name is Yusei haha.
Yugi : Hahaha.
Yusei : GRRRRR...*snaps & smiles* Heh heh heh...
Judai : *stops* Hmm? What's funny Yusei?
Yusei : *smiles and looks at a prawn* Say Yugi... you know your long fringes.. I just noticed.. you look like a distant cousin to these prawns. See these longs feelers thing heh heh.
Yugi : *stoned* I-I... My fringes don't look like their.. Umm feeler thing!
Atemu : Heh heh heh heh..
Yugi : Mou Hitori No Boku!!!

Judai : *few moments later* BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! PRAWN'S COUSIN!! *rolling on floor laughing*
Yugi : *sweats* Judai - kun!!
Yusei : Humph better yet... A "Prawn - Fringe Yugi". Heh heh heh...
Judai : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PRAWN-FRINGE YUGI - SAN! Ouch ouch ouch.. my sides hurts hahaha...
Yusei : Heh heh heh...
Yugi : *fumes*
Yugi : *took one of the fishes Judai caught and throw at Yusei*
Yusei : *fish slaps on Yusei's face* .....ya want a fish fight.. I give you ya a fish fight. *took one of the fishes* Let's go! Engarde!
Yugi : *arms fish* HIYA!!
Judai : FISH FIGHT!!!
Yugi : Eat these! *throws several prawns*
Judai : Incoming "Prawn Ninja Stars" !!!
Yusei : *dodges like Neo in matrix...however a prawn manage to slice a tiny bit of Yusei's spike*
Yusei : MY SPIKE!! Grrr..take this! *throws two crabs*
Judai : "Crab Grenades" !!
Yugi : EEK!! *A crab hits Yugi's head*
Yugi : *faints* Ouch... my head... zzzz
Judai : Looks to me Yugi - san lost to the "Crab Grenades".
Yusei : *smiles at Judai* Ya next...
Judai : *sweats* ...oh no.. OUCH!! *faints*

The crab walks on top of Judai's face.

Yusei : *smiles and picks up the crab* Heh heh heh... looks to me.. the Crab - Head wins the fight. Right my friend?

The crab gives Yusei a "peace" sign.

[and by peace sign, the crab just hold up its claw . Looks like a peace sign when it open its claw as it holds it up doesn't it hehe]
