Boys VS Wind - Pitching Tents

[Topless Atemu ]

The whole gang of Yu-Gi-Oh characters, Yugi and gang, Judai and his close friends, Yusei and Signers, decided to go and have fun at the beach. Fun... well not much fun especially for the boys as the time goes by...

Judai : AAAARRRRGHHH! Why must we do the pitching and set up the food! While the girls all are having fun right now!
Yusei : Ya guys just want to see them in their bikinis, am I right?
Yugi : Haha
Judai : N-no of course not that!
Jesse : Hey, here's the food.
Bastion : *sweats* Errgh... that's a load of food to carry..
Crow : Phew.. too bad we can't bring all these with our D-Wheeler.. I'm bush..
Yugi : Thanks guys
Judai : Hey, you guys have seen Manjoume and Yugi - san's friends, Tristan & Duke anywhere? We need them to pitch the tents. Not to mention a lot of them...
Jesse : I can think of one place...

- wind blows -

Yusei : It's ok. Let's just pitch these up. The wind is started to kick up.
Yugi : You're right..
Joey : Alright then! The faster we pitch them, the faster we can get soak and wet!
Judai : Yeah!

- Meanwhile -

Manjoume : *running towards the girls at the water* Here I come ladies!!!
Tristan & Duke : US TOO!!!
Aki : Hmm leave them to me.

*walks out of the water, activate her duel disk and uses Twister spell card*
[Note - Aki can create real effects even if it's virtual due to her psychic abilty ]

Manjoume : Not good... WAAAAAHHH *blown away by the Twister*
Tristan : WAAAAAAHHH!!!
Tea : Boys... they can be perverted sometimes.
Alexis : You can say that again..

- back to the boys -

Jesse : *sweats* Ahh someone grab that tent!
Crow & Joey : I got it! I got it! *bumps one another*
Judai : Yugi - san look out!!
Yugi : What?

*tent rolling fast towrds Yugi*

Yugi : I got it...EEEEKK!

*Yugi got overpowered by the tent... and got roll over..*

Judai : Looks to me the tent got you instead hehe
Yusei : *stops and grabs the rolling tent* Ya guys need to pitch it tight to the ground or else this happens.
Jesse : My bad.. Sorry guys.

- wind blows even harder -

Jesse : Oh no.. Watch out!!
Yugi : *stands up* ouch.. huh? EEEKKK!!!

*Yugi get rolled over by the tent again...

Joey : Alright stand back! I got this! Watch this! Joey Style : Crocodile Stance! *grabs the tent*
Joey : Nyeh see that! Nothing can stop the Joey - Man!
Crow : Humph show off..
Judai : Ergh the wind is blowing harder and harder...
Yusei : Argh you're right..
Bastion : At least it keeps me cool from my sweat
Jesse : Heh heh.. !!! Oh no one more tent have been dispatch from the ground!!

*rolling towards Yugi yet again*

Jesse : Look out!!

*Atemu takes over and stop it*

Atemu : Humph. Why does these tents target my Aibou..
Judai : Awesome Pharaoh! Oh and By the way, nice muscles hehe
Yusei : Haha yeah
Atemu : Thanks.

Atemu : You should work out more Aibou.
Yugi : Hey!
Atemu : Hmm it's been 3000 years since I see myself without my top clothes on... and er.. shorts?
Yugi : It's Bermudas. Nice body by the way hehe.
Atemu : Humph thanks. Your Bermudas kinda cool looking too.

- wind blows even harder -

Atemu : This is seriously the most windy day..
Judai : Not to mention getting stronger!!
Atemu : Something heading this way.

- huge Twister came from the effect of the spell card earlier -


All the tents and food were blown away. All the boys stared at the emptiness where the tents are pitched down.

Manjoume : *from the sky* AARRGGHHHH!! *crashes down*
Tristan & Duke : WAAAAAAAAHHH!! *crashes 5 metres away from Manjoume*

- When dusts clears -
Manjoume : *coughs* Man I hate that red hair.. girl..?

- All the boys glared angrily at Manjoume -

Atemu : *millennium mark and his eyes glowed* my Aibou have a tough time pitching those tents!! Not to mention being attacked by it two times!!
Yusei : We have work so hard and you have crush it all down!!!
Judai : *eyes glow* Jesse, Joey, Bastion... grab his arms and legs... We three gonna make some serious makeovers on him...
Manjoume : *sweats* Err.. wait.. wait it's not my fault it happen!! Please wa- AAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Duke : *awake from the fall* Ouch... huh.. hey Tristan look.. Manjoume got beaten up by them there.
Tristan : I heard they say it's Manjoume's fault for causing them be like that. That Twister thing.


Duke : *sweats* Umm.. we should... get out of here before they notice us.. or else...
Tristan : *sweats* Y-You're... right..
*Duke & Tristan sneaks off*

Well in the end the boys have their fun with the girls with Judai & Joey jealous of Atemu as the girls fall in love with his sexy body. Yusei is having fun with Aki as usual. Bastion & Jesse, they decided to tan until they got sunburned and can't move. Manjoume, well the boys have made him do all the work. Tristan & Duke... pretend nothing happen at all & play some sandcastles. Hmm? What? Where's the rest? Atlas, the Kaiba brothers and the twins?

- at a restaurant nearby -

Kaiba : Hmm this is the life. Let those poor saps do all the work while we relax.. rich people style.
Atlas : I agree with you for once.
Mokuba : I am glad having you as my big brother. *munching brownies*
Rua & Luna : Thank you Altas - sama for the treat!!

- at the beach -

Atemu : *senses Kaiba's evil thought* Hmm...
Judai : Something wrong Pharaoh?
Atemu : *gives a wicked smile* Say Judai, Yusei... let us go and "visit" our rich partners after this, shall we?
Yusei : *gives a playful smile* Heh.. I get what you mean. Sure thing.
Judai : *confused* Huh? What? Who are the rich mates? And what is it that you get it Yusei? ...guys...?
