A new friend, A new Ally , A new discovery

Continuation from " Trapped/Hidden Feelings"

**Heru - My OC for YuGiOh
[See my YuGiOh Shrine for his pic and bio. Or simply go to my porfolio to see his image]

- Night time, Atemu's Dark Soul Room -
Atemu: *sitting on his throne chair**soft voice* ...why...do I feel like this..? *looks down to his hands, his eyes soften* ..I've just..hugged him and...kisses him with such strong emotions.
Atemu: *smiles* ..maybe you are right on it afterall...we are more than just enemies..*blushes* ...
Yugi: *knocks and opens the door* ...Um..Mou Hitori No Boku? ..
Atemu: *shakes off the blush* ... *looks up and smiles at Yugi* Hey Aibou, can't sleep?
Yugi: *enters and walks towards him**smiles* Yeah...sort of. Sorry to bother you.
Atemu: That's alright.
Yugi: *looks at Atemu curiously* Are you okay? ...you look different...
Atemu: Why do you say that? Something on my face? *stares at Yugi with his icy yet tender eyes*
Yugi: ...um..umm..n-nothing! *looks away* Must be my imagination..
Atemu: *chuckles and grabs Yugi**messes his hair* ..heh fine then. Whatever you say Aibou.
Yugi: *struggling with Atemu* H-Hey! Knock it off! Hahaha!
Atemu: *smiles and stops* Aibou..I want..to meet up with Kaiba for awhile tomorrow. Can you help me..call for him?
Yugi: *looks at him, surprised to what he heard* Kaiba? ...but I thought you-
Atemu: I just want to talk with him..*looks away* ..that's all.
Yugi: Um..Okay. *smiles* I'll call him in the morning for you so you can speak.
Atemu: *smiles at Yugi* Thanks Aibou.
Yugi: Well...I best head to bed if you want to meet Kaiba later. Good night Mou Hitori No Boku. *smiles and leaves the room**closes the door behind him*
Atemu: *nods* Nights to you too Aibou... *curls himself up* .... *blushes* ..Kaiba..

- Morning -
After some time talking with Kaiba...he agrees on the spot on meeting Atemu at KaibaLand.
Atemu: *puts down the phone, smiling* ...
Yugi: *appears beside* Why are you smiling happily about?
Atemu: Oh..erm..nothing. Aibou...a favor from me. For the whole day today till nightfall, can I ask for a little privacy from you? *smiles* It's...confidential between Kaiba and me...
Yugi: *smiles and nods* If that's what you want then it's fine by me. Best you get going then. *disappears back inside*
Atemu: *blushes slightly* ...thank you.. *leaves the house*

- at the park -
Judai: *running around to see duels happening*
Yusei: Judai! Slow down! *tries to catch up with him*
Judai: *hyper* Awesome duels!! *turns around to Yusei* C'mon! There are a lot more to see! *runs ahead*
Yusei: *stops and pants* I..really must put a leash on him whenever we go out next time...*breaths in deeply and resumes chasing him*
Judai: *saw a spiral flame shooting upwards* Whoa...Let's go there next Yusei! *heads towards the flame direction*
Yusei: *follows*
Duel ended
?????: Great duel. *helps a guy up* Let us duel again someday.
Guy: *nods* You bet! Thanks for an awesome duel! I sure will! See ya! *runs off*
Judai: *runs towards the Duelist* That was an awesome duel! Love your Horus monster.
?????: *looks at Judai* ..thank you.
Yusei: *catches up and nudges Judai with his elbow* Sorry about my friend's behaviour...btw my name's Yusei and this is Judai.
Judai: *scratches his head* Opps..S-Sorry hehe..Just too happy..yeah I'm Judai. Nice to meet you! *smiles*
Heru: *smiles* It's alright. The name's Heru. Nice to meet you too. *shakes hand with Yusei & Judai*
Judai: *looks at Heru from top to bottom* ...you're an Egyptian aren't you? .... *looks at Heru's face upclose*
Heru: *jerks back and sweats* Um..y-yes I am...how did you-
Judai: *steps back* Hehe! Our bestfriend is an Egyptian too despite not being tanned and all.
Yusei: *nods*
Heru: Really? An Egyptian? ...*looks down and mumbles* Maybe they know him then...
Judai: Hehe!

Yusei: *smiles* Yeah..are ya a Turbo Duelist by any chance?
Heru: *looks up and smiles**nods* I am. You have a good guess on me Yusei.
Yusei: Humph..I can feel it from ya. *smirks*
Judai: *went beside Heru and puts one of his arm around him**smiles happily* Sweet! Yusei is a Turbo Duelist too!
Heru: *smiles at Judai* I see.
Judai: Hehe! ...hmm? *spots Atemu walking off from far* Hey! That's him! *points the direction of Atemu* ...and where is he off to...without even telling us...?
Yusei: *look towards Judai's pointing* ..hmm ya right...
Heru: *looks at Judai and Yusei curiously* huh..?
Yusei: *turns back to Heru* Oh sorry Heru. It's just our bestfriend we have told you about.
Judai: *hyper* Yeah! There! That one with red spiky hair and a blue jacket-cape like! *points out to Heru*
Heru: *looks to where Judai's pointing* ....that's... *looks in disbelief* ...it can't be...it's him!
Judai: *looks at Heru* ...what?
Heru: It's him! The Pharaoh! *looks at Judai and Yusei* You two did know him!
Yusei: *looks at Heru* ...yeeaah..he is our bestfriend, Atemu. Something the matter?
Heru: I..I have been searching for him for all my life. And finally..after 3000 years in my search, ...I can see and meet him with my own eyes. Finally...*looks after Atemu walking away further with teary eyes*
Judai: *shock to what he heard* WHOA WHOA HOLD ON HERE! *went infront of Heru and looks at him* Did I hear wrongly or did you say you have been searching for our buddy for 3000 years?
Heru: *turns to Judai and smiles happily* ...you are not wrong Judai..it is the truth.
Judai: B-But then...if that's the case...you're must be more than 3000 years old aren't you? ...and yet you...*stares at Heru* ...look just like us...our age generation...
Heru: *smiles* Well..you see Judai I-
Yusei: *interrupts* Sorry to butt in ya chat but...*points to Atemu almost disappeared in sight* ..if ya want to meet him, we better off chasing him right now.
Judai: Oh right! Let's go! *grabs and pulls Heru along*
Heru: *sweats* H-Hey!
Yusei: ...*shakes head* ...poor Heru...the moment he becomes our friend and he's already suffered Judai's uncontrollable acts... *sighs and chases after them*

- KaibaLand -
Atemu: *walking around up and down, expecting someone*
Yusei, Judai & Heru: *arrives*
Judai: *spots Atemu* Hey! There he is! Let's go! *pulls Heru along again*
Heru: *sweats* P-Please Judai! Stop pulling meeeeeaaahh!! *being drag away*
Yusei: *sighs* ...I wish I can save ya Heru...*chases them*
Kaiba: *comes out of the crowd, walking towards Atemu*
Yusei: *spots Kaiba and quickly grab Heru's arm* Hold up ya two!
Heru: *jerks back, stops and pulls Judai up front* Whoa!
Judai: *jerks back suddenly and falls on his back* Waaah!!
Heru: *helps Judai up* S-Sorry Judai.. *turns to Yusei* ..what happen Yusei?
Judai: *throws tantrum* YEAH! What happen Yu-
Yusei: *quickly grabs and pulls them into the side bushes* Ssshhhh!! *whispers* Look who's Atemu meeting with... *points out for them*
Judai & Heru: *peer from the bushes*

Kaiba meet up with Atemu, smiles and starts to mingle...

Judai: *whispers* Kaiba? ...but I thought Atemu hate him. And by that I mean doesn't like to see Kaiba at all costs, let alone stand beside him and all...but this?!
Heru: ..*looks at them, clueless* ...*whispers* ..who's Kaiba? And why am I being drag into this too?
Yusei: *whispers* Oh..is that guy Atemu is talking to. They both are rivals and that guy really hates our friend a lot.
Judai: *whispers* Yeah!! That egoist binky boy. And oh.. *grins* ..since you are now our friend, you are automatically joined into our mess too hehe!
Heru: ...*whispers* ..I-I..*smiles* ..I'm really honored to be accept into your friendship bond.
Yusei: *smiles**whispers* We already accept ya as our friend from the beginning Heru.
Judai: *nods* Hehe!
Heru: *smiles* ...you guys..
Judai: *nods happily* ... *turns towards Atemu & Kaiba talking* hmm...something's smells fishy here...
Yusei: *turns his direction towards them* ...yeah.
Heru: *watches Atemu & Kaiba**shrugs* ...
Atemu & Kaiba: *smiling and talking to one another*
Judai: *stares at them**whispers* ...really fishy alright...*sniff* ...and also yummy too.
Heru & Yusei: *looks at Judai* ...
Yusei: *whispers* ..Are ya hungry Judai?
Judai: *turns to them**whispers* What? ...it did smell yummy. *sniff* ...mmm takoyaki..
????: *whispers behind them* .... something's really up...*munch munch*
Yusei, Judai & Heru: *jumps out of their skins* AAAAAH!!
Yusei & Judai: *quickly ducks themselves and pulls Heru back into the bushes in the nick of time*

Atemu & Kaiba: *turns towards their direction* ..... *looks at one another and shrugs* .. *continues to talk*
Yusei & Judai: *sighs in relief*
Heru: ...ouch...
Mokuba: *munching on the Takoyakis**whispers* Why do you guys freak out on me for?
Judai: *glares angrily at Mokuba**whispers* Can you at least say "Hi" to us first next time?! Just to signal you are behind us!!
Yusei: *glares at Mokuba**whispers* Yeah!
Mokuba: *whispers* Hehe...sorry.
Judai: *whispers* You almost blow our cover you know! *snatches the takoyakis and eats them all fast*
Mokuba: *whispers* Hey!! That's mine!
Judai: *munch munch* ... *whispers* Too bad then. It's your punishment for getting us freaked out.
Heru: *whispers* Who's this?
Mokuba: *whispers to Heru* And who are you?
Judai: *tries to whisper with a mouth full* ....mm- ..mohuva.
Heru: *looks at Judai with one of his eyebrows twitching up* Mokuva?
Mokuba: *whispers* It's Mokuba. I'm Kaiba's little brother.
Heru: *smiles and whispers* Mine's Heru.
Yusei: *whispers* Why are ya here Mokuba?
Mokuba: *whispers* Same thing you guys are doing... *peers through the bushes and watches Atemu and Kaiba* ..big brother...he doesn't allow me to tag along like he used to. It's not like him to turn me down..
Atemu & Kaiba: *nods and starts to walk off*
Judai: *whispers* They're on the move. Let's go! *pulls Heru along*
Heru: J-Judai! You don't need to guide me to follow you, you know!
Mokuba: I'm coming along! I want to know why big brother turn down on me!
Everyone: *follows Atemu & Kaiba secretly*

- park -
Atemu & Kaiba: *sitting on a bench at an isolated area side by side, facing the sea*
Everyone except Judai & Heru: SHHHHH!!
Judai: *whispers* S-Sorry! I'm just bored...they just sitting down for 2 hrs now doing nothing..
Atemu & Kaiba: *slight movements to their arms*
Mokuba: *whispers* They finally making movements.
Atemu & Kaiba: *doesn't face to each other* .... *slowly reaching out each other hands and holds tightly together* ....
Everyone except Heru: O_O!!!
Heru: *looks at them who are frozen with their mouths open* ... *shrugs* ...

To be continue....
