Katana: Chapter Twelve

By Die Before I Wake
(I suffered to post this for you, Zebra XD )

NOTE: Bold are telepathic messages. Italics are thoughts.

Red eyes opened to see a pair of brown and a pair of green staring at him from outside of the window of his bedroom. The Spirit Detective and the Kitsune were on a large, thick branch of the tree that was right outside of Hiei’s room. What a convenient place for a tree, Hiei thought, narrowing his eyes. He growled deep within his throat and glared out at the hanyou and the demon within the human body.

What do you want, Fox? Hiei asked Kurama telepathically.

It’s time for you to come downstairs, the Kitsune replied.


Koenma’s here for his routine visit. He wants you downstairs now. Get some fresh clothes on, get ready, and come downstairs.

Go screw yourself. Or better yet, let him screw you. Then you can both leave me the hell alone and go live happily forever and ever. Good night, I’m going back to bed, Hiei replied calmly, removing the bandanna from his head and allowing his Jagan Eye to close the curtains and create a barrier outside of his window that not even the fox could penetrate. He closed his eyes again and was half asleep when he heard the loud, obnoxious voice of Koenma in his teenage form outside of his door.

“Hiei. Open up and come out now, or you will be given the penalty of death for direct violation of the terms of your out of Spirit World probation. You know that you must all be present at the time of my visit and evaluation. Now come out before I break this door down.”

“Fine...” Hiei growled after a moment of thought. He forced himself out of bed and quickly placed his blanket over the spot in which he had been laying, hoping to preserve at least some of the warmth for when he would go and finish his nap. I wonder why I’ve been so tired lately? Maybe because I always had trouble falling asleep in trees and on the ground and didn’t realize it. Or my training could be catching up with me, he thought as he pulled off his jeans and walked over to the still full shopping bags in the corner of his room in only a shirt and his boxers.

Hiei crouched down and dug through a bag and found a pair of black jeans in an identical style to the blue ones he had been wearing. He slipped them on and replaced put on a black belt with red studs on it and a red My Chemical Romance shirt. He tossed his previously worn clothes into the hamper in the corner of his room and stretched before unlocking his bedroom door and walking out of his room.

Koenma turned to face him once he heard the Fire Apparition’s footsteps stop at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes widened with surprise, seeing Hiei dressed in modern clothes. Seeing the large bags under the demon’s eyes made him worry a bit, as well as the cheekbones in his face that were ever-so-slightly noticeable.

“Are you feeling alright, Hiei?” Koenma asked.

The demon nodded and a defensive look flashed in his crimson eyes.

“Well, it’s just that you look really tired, and I can sort of see your cheekbones.”

“I’m fine,” Hiei replied slowly and slightly menacingly.

“Alright, alright,” Koenma replied, backing away a few steps. “You just look a little ill.”

“Well, I’m not. And I don’t know why you keep asking me this. Isn’t one answer enough for you?” the demon snapped.

“Hiei, just calm down, alright?” Yusuke asked. “What’s your problem?”

“I was sleeping.”

“That’s all you’ve been doing for the past few days!”

“I’m tired.”

“That’s no reason to be a d***, Hiei,” Kuwabara said, walking into the living room from the hallway.

“Did any of you hear the phrase ‘Let sleeping dogs lie’? Well, it goes for demons, too. I’m going back to bed!” Hiei snapped. He walked upstairs and into his room. He slammed the door shut and looked to his closet. The door was open already, and his bedroom door had been as well.

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